Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].
Author's posts
Sep 16 2023
In Michigan, $276 Million in Legal Marijuana Purchased in August, Over $40 Million in Taxes Garnered
In Michigan, August marijuana sales fell barely short of July’s record-breaking numbers despite prices dropping. In total there was $276,262,397.68 worth of legal marijuana sold in August, less than half a million dollars short of the $276,746,264.07 sold in July (the current monthly record). This is according to a report just released by the Michigan …
Sep 15 2023
US Senate Committee Schedules Vote for Bill Allowing Banks to Service Marijuana Businesses
On September 27 the Senate Banking Committee will vote on legislation that would allow banks to provide services to marijuana businesses that are legal under their state’s law. The SAFE Banking Act has received bipartisan support and has been listed as a top priority for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. After months of negotiations the …
Sep 14 2023
Study Finds Marijuana Extracts Associated With Sustained Improvements in Those With Chronic Health Conditions
Marijuana extracts are associated with health-related quality of life improvements in patients suffering from chronic conditions such as pain, fatigue and anxiety, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One. For the study researchers examined the efficacy of marijuana extracts in a cohort of over 2,300 patients (aged 18 to 97) who are authorized …
Sep 14 2023
Study: CBD Inhibits the Proliferation and Invasiveness of Prostate Cancer Cells
According to a new study, “the ability of CBD to inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation and invasiveness suggests that CBD may have potential as a future chemotherapeutic agent.” Conducted by researchers at the University College Dublin, the study is being published in the newest issue of the Journal of Natural Products, with it published online …
Sep 14 2023
US Congressional Researchers Say DEA “Likely” to Reschedule Marijuana
A report released Wednesday by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) states that it’s “likely” the DEA will reschedule marijuana to reschedule III, which will have “broad implications for federal policy”. Recently the Department of Health sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officially requesting marijuana be reclassified as a Schedule III drug under …
Sep 14 2023
California Assembly Passes Bill to Ban Employers From Asking About Marijuana Use
With an overhwleming majority the California Assembly passed Senate Bill 700, which has already been passed through the Senate. The Assembly voted yesterday 59 to 8 to pass Senate Bill 700. The measure has already been approved by the Senate, but will need to go back for one final vote of concurrence before it can …
Sep 13 2023
Placebo-Controlled Trial Finds CBD Useful in Helping to Treat Chronic Gingivostomatitis in Cats
According to a newly published study, the oral administration of the cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) is a useful adjunct treatment for felines with chronic gingivostomatitis. The study, titled Placebo-Controlled Trial of Daily Oral Cannabidiol as Adjunctive Treatment for Cats with Chronic Gingivostomatitis, was published in the recent issue of the journal Animals, and it was …
Sep 13 2023
New York Bill Would Prohibit Marijuana Use Within 30 Feet of a Child or a Location Where a Child Resides
Legislation filed today in the New York Legislature would prohibit “the use of cannabis within thirty feet of a child or within thirty feet of any location in which children reside or attend for any recreational or educational purpose”. Filed by Assemblymember Phillip Steck (D), Assembly Bill 8025 has been assigned to the Assembly Codes …
Sep 13 2023
Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Marijuana Odor By Itself Does Not Justify Vehicle Search
In a landmark decision the Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that the smell of marijuana on its own is not probably cause to search a person’s motor vehicle. The ruling is based on a case brought by Adam Torgerson, who was pulled over in 2021 in Meeker County. Although Torgerson was pulled over for having …
Sep 13 2023
Massachusetts Committee Approves Bill to Add PTSD and Opioid Use Disorder to Medical Marijuana Program
Legislation in Massachusetts that would expand the state’s medical marijuana program and ease access for veterans has been passed through its initial committee. House Bill 4087 has been “reported favorably” by the House Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy, and referred to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. The bipartisan measure is sponsored by State …