Category: Miscellaneous

New Saliva Test Offers Rapid and Simultaneous Detection of Alcohol and THC

A new study published in the journal Talanta highlights the development of a novel microfluidic paper-based analytical device (μCD-PAD) that can simultaneously detect ethanol and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in saliva, offering what researchers describe as a non-invasive, rapid, and cost-effective method for on-site analysis. For the study, which was also published online by the US National …

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Five Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Being Considered This November

With news that Arkansas activists have submitted well more than enough signatures to place their marijuana proposal on the presidential election ballot, we now have a clear picture of which statewide marijuana initiatives will be considered this November 5. This November, three states will vote on measures to legalize recreational marijuana, one will vote to …

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The Most Critically Well Received Stoner Movies of All Time

When it comes to “stoner movies”, a select set of films have not only captivated audiences and pop culture, but also earned critical acclaim. Using data from Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 most critically well-received stoner movies of all time, ranked by their combined Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes scores. …

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Trulieve’s Employee Training Program Earns Gold Award for “Best Competencies and Skill Development”

Trulieve Cannabis Corp., one of the leading and top-performing cannabis companies in the United States, today announced its TruU-GROW cultivation training program has received a Gold award of excellence in the 2024 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards. “We are proud to see our TruU-GROW program continue to be recognized for its excellence in learning …

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Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Up Almost 10% Since 2015, Finds Meta-Analysis

A growing number of Americans favor legalizing marijuana, with support rising steadily over the past decade, according to a recent analysis of more than 70 public opinion polls conducted since 2015. The analysis, referred to as The Poll of Polls and released by consumer research firm CBD Oracle, reveals that public backing for marijuana legalization …

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Here’s All 113 Members of US Congress Sponsoring Legislation to Deschedule Marijuana and Allow Expungements

In the United States Congress, legislation to deschedule marijuana and allow for the expungement of past marijuana offenses has 113 bicameral sponsors. In the House of Representatives, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act would also deschedule marijuana, effectively decriminalizing it nationwide. The measure, filed in April, would also expunge past marijuana convictions, and …

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Psilocybin Therapy for Chronic Lower Back Pain: University of California Seeks Participants for Clinical Trial

The University of California (UC) is seeking participants for a double-blind, randomized clinical trial “examining the preliminary efficacy of psilocybin therapy for people with chronic low back pain”. “This study evaluates whether psilocybin therapy helps patients cope with chronic low back pain more effectively”, states a public posting .” Patients may be recruited at Stanford and University …

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Yale School of Medicine Paying $495 to Participate in Stress-Related Marijuana Study

The Yale School of Medicine is seeking those 18 and older for a paid marijuana study. The Yale Stress Center at the Yale School of Medicine “is looking for individuals who are at least 18 years old and smoke marijuana at least once per week to participate in a research study.” Participants will receive compensation …

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Top 10 CBD Studies Released So Far in 2024

As the interest in the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) continues to rise, 2024 has been a remarkable year for research into its potential benefits and applications. Recently we covered the top marijuana studies published so far in 2024, as well as the top THC studies. In this article, we will cover what we believe to …

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Nebraska, Florida, South Dakota and North Dakota Set to Vote on Marijuana Initiatives in Two Months

In just over two months, on November 5, voters in Florida, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska will head to the polls to decide the fate of statewide marijuana initiatives that could significantly reshape the legal landscape for cannabis. In Florida, Amendment 3 would legalize recreational marijuana for those 21 and older, who would be …

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