Category: News

Rhode Island Lawmakers File Bill to Legalize Possession and Cultivation of Psilocybin Mushrooms

Legislation to legalize the personal possession and cultivation of psilocybin (“magic”) mushrooms has been filed in the Rhode Island Legislature. House Bill 7047 was filed by State Representatives Brandon Potter Brandon Potter along with cosponsors Representatives June Speakman, Joseph McNamara, Scott Slater, Cherie Cruz, Jose Batista, David Bennett, Robert Craven, Enrique Sanchez and Arthur Handy. …

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US Department of Veterans Affairs Announces They’re Funding Psychedelics Research

Psilocybin ("magic") mushrooms.

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that they will be funding and conducting research on the use of certain psychedelics to treat PTSD and depression. Today, the VA issued a request for applications (RFA) for proposals from its network of VA researchers (in collaboration with academic institutions) to study the use …

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US Congressmember Sends Letter to DEA Asking Them to Expedite Rescheduling Marijuana

Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) today sent a letter to Drug Enforcement Administrator Anne Milgram asking her to act expeditiously on a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommendation to reschedule marijuana to Schedule 3 under the Controlled Substances Act. The letter follows a DEA oversight hearing in July in which Congressman Cohen questioned Administrator …

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US Senate Bill to Allow Marijuana Banking Has 68% Chance of Becoming Law, Says GovTrack Analysis

According to an analysis, federal legislation to allow marijuana banking has a more than two-thirds chance of being enacted into law. The SAFER Banking Act (S.2860) would provide strong legal protections to banks and other financial institutions that provide services to state-legal marijuana businesses. The measure is sponsored by 35% of the entire US Senate, including …

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Montana: $319 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in 2023, Over $50 Million in Taxes Made

Montana marijuana stores sold $26.8 million in legal marijuana in December, bringing the yearly total to $319 million. According to the Montana Cannabis Control Division, there was $26,886,443 worth of marijuana sold in December. This is around $1.7 million more than the total for November, and $1.2 million more than the previous December. Year-to-date marijuana …

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Nebraska Bill Would Make Kratom an Illegal Substance

Legislation filed today in Nebraska would make kratom a schedule 1 controlled substance, making it illegal for all uses. Legislative Bill 972, filed by Senator Loren Lippincott, would explicitly prohibit the use, possession and distribution of kratom by placing it at the top of the state’s list of controlled substances. Under current law kratom is …

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New Missouri Bill Would Prohibit Marijuana Odor From Being Used as Probable Cause for Police Searches

A newly filed Missouri bill “Prohibits the odor of marijuana alone to give rise to probable cause to search a vehicle, home, or other private property”. House Bill 2132 was prefiled by State Representative Ian Mackey (D) on December 28. Yesterday the measure was passed through its first reading in the House of Representatives, and …

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Study: Marijuana Legalization Not Associated With Increases in Psychotic Disorders or Health Service Use

Legalizing marijuana is “not associated with an increase in health service use or frequency of psychotic disorders”, according to a new study. The study was published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, and it was conducted by researchers at Western University, McMaster University, the University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto, McGill University, Brescia …

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Arizona Bill to Facilitate Psilocybin Research Filed in House of Representatives

Republican State Representative Kevin Payne has filed legislation that would facilitate the research of psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms. House Bill 2105 was prefiled today by Representative Payne for the upcoming legislative session which begins January 8. The measure has not yet received a committee assignment. Under the legislation the director of …

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Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Filed in Kentucky Legislature

Legislation that would legalize marijuana for all uses has been filed in Kentucky. House Bill 72 was filed yesterday by State Representative Nima Kulkarni (D), and it’s been assigned to the House Committee on Committees. The proposed law states that a person 21 and older who “possesses, traffics, or cultivates a personal use quantity of …

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