Category: Studies

Study Examining 63 Million Medicare Recipients Finds Marijuana Legalization Does Not Increase Psychosis Diagnoses

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open has found that “states with legalization policies experienced no statistically significant increase in rates of psychosis-related diagnoses”. As noted by the study’s authors, psychosis is a hypothesized consequence of cannabis use. Legalizing cannabis “could therefore be associated with an increase …

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Study Finds Current and Past Marijuana Use Not Associated With Increased Hypertension Risk

In a study that will come as little surprise to cannabis consumers but nevertheless is an important clarification, researchers found that marijuana use is not associated with an increase in the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). Conducted by researchers at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the University of Missouri and the Donald and …

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Systematic Review: Medical Marijuana Reduces the Length and Frequency of Migraine Headaches

The use of medical marijuana “has a significant clinical response by reducing the length and frequency of migraines”, according to a systematic review published in The Cureus Journal of Medical Science. Conducted by researchers at the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology, the study is titled Efficacy and Safety of Medical Marijuana in Migraine …

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Oral THC May Reduce Agitation, Apathy, Irritability and Sleep/Eating Disturbances in Those With Alzheimer Disease

Oral THC with a small amount of CBD may be effective in reducing a host of negative symptoms associated with Alzheimer disease, according to a study published in the recent issue of the journal Clinical Therapeutics. As noted by the study’s abstract, ten million new cases of dementia are recorded annually worldwide, with agitation and …

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Study: Combination of THC and CBD Reduces Seizure Frequency in Children with Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy

According to a new study published in the journal Neuropediatrics the daily administration of a combination of THC and CBD is effective in reducing seizures in children with treatment-resistant epilepsy. For the study researchers from the Imperial College London and Sapphire Medical Clinics examined the efficacy and safety of CBD isolate oils, CBD broad-spectrum oils, …

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Cannabidiol “Repairs Behavioral and Brain Disturbances” Produced by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Finds Study

The cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) may help to combat the negative symptoms associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. This is according to a new study published by the journal Pharmacological Research and conducted by researchers from Spain, Argentina and the United States. The study is titled Cannabidiol repairs behavioral and brain disturbances in a model …

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Study: Cannabis Use “Does Not Have a Negative Impact on Public Health”

Cannabis use “does not have a negative impact on public health in a manner detectable using health indicators”, finds a new peer-reviewed study. Conducted by researchers at the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, both in España, and the Autonomous University of Madrid, all in Spain, the study was published in …

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Study Finds Medical Cannabis Improves Anxiety, Pain, Tiredness and Overall Well-Being Over a 12-Month Period

A new study has found that medical cannabis has sustained benefits including improvements in anxiety, pain and well-being. Conducted by researchers at McGill University Health Centre and the Université de Montréal, both in Canada, as well as The State University of New Jersey, the study was published in the recent issue of the journal Cannabis …

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Study: Marijuana Legalization Associated With a Reduction in Alcohol Use Disorder, No Increase in Psychosis

The state-level legalization of recreational marijuana is associated with a reduction in alcohol use disorder, according to a study published by the journal Psychological Medicine. “The causal impacts of recreational cannabis legalization are not well understood due to the number of potential confounds”, states the study. With this in mind, researchers “sought to quantify possible …

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Study Finds “Direct Relationship” Between Marijuana Use and Objectively Fewer Opioid and Benzodiazepine Prescriptions

A new study “provides a direct relationship between the initiation of cannabis therapy and objectively fewer opioid and benzodiazepine”. The study was conducted by researchers at the Rothman Orthopedic Institute and Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, and the Legacy Research Institute. It was published in the most recent issue of the journal …

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