The 5 States That Could Still Legalize Marijuana in 2024

Here’s an overview of the states that could still legalize recreational marijuana this year.

Last month, we published a list of the 10 states next in line to potentially legalize marijuana. While this list remains relevant, as we approach the halfway point of the year, only a few of these states have a reasonable chance of passing a marijuana legalization law in 2024.

With that in mind, below are the five states that could still legalize marijuana this year:
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National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Urges Biden Administration to Release Marijuana Prisoners

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is urging President Biden to decriminalize marijuana while taking steps to release those in prison for nonviolent marijuana offenses.

In a letter to the White House Counsel, the nation’s criminal defense bar urged immediate commutation of sentences, compassionate release, and second chances for persons convicted of marijuana offenses.

“While recognizing that cannabis a less dangerous drug is a positive step, decriminalization and decarceration must remain our top priorities,” said NACDL President Michael P. Heiskell, taking note of the fact that the DEA will soon reschedule marijuana.
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Massachusetts Cannabis Sales Stay Strong in April, Totaling $150 Million

April cannabis sales in Massachusetts fell short of the $154 million sold in March, but still had an impressive showing with $150 million sold.

In April, Massachusetts recorded a total of $150 million in legal cannabis sales, a slight decrease from the $154 million reported in March. Despite this modest drop, the figure remains robust, contributing to a year-to-date total of $517 million in sales. This accumulation brings the all-time sales figure to a remarkable $6.06 billion, according to data from the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC).

Of the total sales in April, $16.5 million was attributed to medical cannabis patients, while the remaining $133.3 million was for recreational use. The average price per gram of cannabis was $5.36, a modest increase of $0.02.
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Minnesota Legislature Approves Bill to Accelerate Start of Recreational Marijuana Sales

The full Minnesota Senate has passed legislation, already approved by the House of Representatives, that would expedite the start of legal recreational marijuana sales.

On Friday, the Senate approved the measure introduced by State Representative Zack Stephenson (D) with a vote of 34 to 32. Last month, the House of Representatives passed the proposal with a 69 to 62 vote. Since the measure was amended in the Senate, a conference committee will be formed to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Once unified, the bill will be forwarded to Governor Tim Walz, who is expected to sign it into law if it reaches his desk.

“This newly regulated, legalized and regulated industry is in its infancy, and we’re here to continue the work we started last year,” says Senator Lindsey Port (D). “Like any new industry, it will not be fully grown on day one. This bill works to ensure a successful market launch and support the industry and Minnesotans involved in this industry as it grows and develops.”
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New Jersey Legislation Proposes Commission to Monitor and Potentially Cap Medical Marijuana Prices

A pair of New Jersey lawmakers filed legislation yesterday that would establish a commission to monitor medical marijuana prices, with the authority to establish temporary price caps if they deem it necessary.

Assembly Bill 4263 was filed by State Assemblymembers Michael Venezia (D) and Garnet Hall (D), and it’s been assigned to the Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee

According  to its official summary, this bill “requires the Cannabis Regulatory Commission to adopt certain regulations regarding medicinal cannabis prices.”
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Maine to Implement New Marijuana Rules That Remove Front-Door ID Checks, Allow Minors in Stores, and Permit Samples

Maine is implementing new marijuana regulations that will align cannabis retail environments more closely with those of liquor stores.

The changes to the state’s marijuana program, championed by State Senator Craig Hickman, is set to transform both the shopping experience and storage practices at cannabis outlets. This law is expected to take effect by this summer and will introduce several changes including:
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Vice President Kamala Harris Praises DEA’s Rescheduling Decision, But Says “We Need to Legalize Marijuana”

Vice President Kamala Harris “fully supports” the DEA’s decision to reschedule marijuana, while clarifying her support for legalization.

(Photo credit: Don Vonmoore / AFP Via Getty Images).

On Tuesday, it was reported that following an over eight-month review by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), they will be rescheduling marijuana. This development was confirmed by an official with the Department of Justice the following day.

While Vice President Kamala Harris has not publicly commented via social media or press releases, a campaign official conveyed via email that “Vice President Harris fully supports the decision to move marijuana to Schedule III, and she’s excited for the positive impact this move will have.”
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Arizona Made Over $24 Million in Marijuana Taxes in March

In March, Arizona collected over $24 million in tax revenue from legal marijuana sales.

Arizona collected a total of $24,308,528 in marijuana taxes in March. This figure slightly exceeds the $23.4 million collected in March 2023 and the $22.4 million in March 2022, illustrating a consistent upward trend in revenue from the state’s marijuana sales. These March collections add to the overall tax revenue, which has reached $830,733,898 since the inception of legal recreational cannabis sales in February 2021.

Although monthly marijuana tax revenue in Arizona has exceeded $25 million on four occasions, the revenue for March remains noteworthy due to its steady growth year-over-year. The tax revenue is derived from the sale of various cannabis products including dried marijuana flower, prerolls, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, and topicals.
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Oregon Marijuana Prices Reached All-Time Lows in April, With Sales Topping $80 Million

According to recent data from the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, legal marijuana sales in April amounted to $81,436,230.

This figure represents a slight decrease from the $82,352,507 recorded in March, yet remains substantially higher than the $75.6 million in January and the $75.9 million in February.

Since the initiation of recreational marijuana sales in October 2016, cumulative sales have now surpassed $6.541 billion. Through April, total sales for 2024 have amounted to $315 million thus far. Since legalization, Oregon has amassed more than $1.1 billion in tax revenue from these sales.
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Congressional Research Service Releases Report Titled “Legal Consequences of Rescheduling Marijuana”

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has released an updated report titled Legal Consequences of Rescheduling Marijuana.

Established in 1914, the CRS is a division of the Library of Congress that provides nonpartisan analysis for federal lawmakers. Following the Biden Administration’s decision to move marijuana to Schedule III, the CRS has released an updated report detailing the implications and consequences of this change.

The report is released into three sections, covering the “Current Legal Status of Cannabis Under the CSA”, the “Legal Consequences If Marijuana Moved to Schedule III”, and “Considerations for Congress”.
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