Florida Bill to Ban Delta-8 THC Sent to Governor DeSantis

Legislation banning delta-8 THC has been approved by the Florida Legislature and sent to Governor Ron DeSantis.

Hemp, which is used to extract delta-8 THC.

Florida’s Senate gave final approval to Senate Bill 1698 yesterday in a unanimous 39 to 0 vote. The vote came soon after the House of Representatives passed the bill in a much more contentious vote, 64 to 48.

If signed into law by Governor DeSantis or allowed to become law without his signature, the bill would completely ban the sale of delta-8 THC, which is derived from hemp. Hemp was legalized under the 2018 farm bill.
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Report: 56% of All Hemp Grown in the US is Grown in California,16% in Kentucky

According to a recent analysis, over half of all hemp grown legally in the United States is grown in California.

According to an MJBizDaily analysis of the recent Census of Agriculture report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, California produced 56% of all U.S. hemp flower throughout 2022, which is used for a variety of purposes including to extract CBD and other cannabinoids.

In a distant second was Kentucky, which grows around 16% of all hemp grown in the US, followed by Oregon with 6% and Colorado with 4%.
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Nevada: $936 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in 2023, Resulting in $124 Million in Tax Revenue

Legal marijuana sales in Nevada were not far from a billion dollars in 2023, with well over $100 million in marijuana tax revenue.

According to data released by the Nevada Department of Taxation, there was $936,031,174 in marijuana sold through licensed marijuana retail outlets and dispensaries in 2023. These sales resulted in $124,415,555 in marijuana tax revenue.

The top month for marijuana sales in 2023 was March, with $75,023,166 in marijuana sold resulting in $12,288,541 in tax revenue.
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Washington Lawmakers Approve Measure to Make Medical Marijuana Tax Free, Sending it to Governor Inslee

A legislative proposal “providing a tax exemption for medical cannabis patients” has been passed by Washington’s full legislature.

By a vote of 82 to 14 in the House of Representatives and 36 to 13 in the Senate, House Bill 1453 has received final approval through the legislature and will soon be sent to Governor Jay Inslee.

The proposed law “Provides a permanent tax exemption from the 37 percent cannabis excise tax for qualifying patients and designated providers with a recognition card on purchases of cannabis products that are labeled as Department of Health (DOH)-compliant product and tested in accordance with the DOH’s rules.”
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Tennessee Bill to Legalize Recreational Marijuana Scheduled for Committee Consideration March 12

Next week a Tennessee legislative committee will consider the Free All Cannabis for Tennesseans Act to legalize recreational marijuana.

House Bill 85 was filed last month by State Representatives Bob Freeman and John Clemmons. Today, the measure was placed on the calendar for consideration on March 12 in the Criminal Justice Subcommittee. This is a necessary step towards the measure working its way through the committee process to reach the full House of Representatives.

The proposed law would allow those who are at least 21 years old to purchase, possess, transport and share (without payment) up to 60 grams of marijuana, and up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates. The bill would also allow for the personal cultivation of up to 12 marijuana plants.
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US House Passes Spending Bills That Protect Medical Marijuana States

The United States House of Representatives has past a $460 billion package of spending bills; included among them is a provision prohibiting the federal government from interfering with state-level medical marijuana laws.

The House voted 339 to 85 to pass the package of bills, sending them to the Senate. Included in the portion of the bill covering Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies is a provision that makes it illegal for the federal government to interfere with state medical marijuana laws. The provision has been included in  multiple spending bills approved in previous years, but with a new Speaker of the House some advocates were concerned it could be removed.

Specifically the provision states:
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US Senate Majority Leader Says Marijuana Banking Bill Remains a Key Priority for Senate

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says the Senate will “work very hard” to pass the SAFER Banking Act prior to the November election.

(Photo credit: J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press).

“We believe very strongly in so many things, and we are going to continue to work on the agenda that we put before us”, said Schumer at a recent press briefing. “We first have to fund the government, the supplemental is very important. But after that, you will see us turn to many of the bills that we passed: the SAFER Act, safety on the rails, so many other things.”

Schumer added “As you know, many of the bills we’ve passed are bipartisan… we’re going to work very hard on many different things.”
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Connecticut Joint Judiciary Committee Holds Public Hearing on Bill to Decrim Psilocybin

A joint committee in Connecticut’s Legislature held a public hearing today on legislation to decriminalize the personal possession of psilocybin mushrooms.

Dried psilocybin mushrooms in a bowl.

The Joint Committee on Judiciary conducted a hearing today for House Bill 5297, which states that “Any person who possesses or has under such person’s control less than one-half ounce of psilocybin shall, for a first offense, be fined one hundred fifty dollars, and for a subsequent offense, be fined “not less than two hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars.”

The measure clarifies that law enforcement officer issuing a complaint for a violation of subsection (a) of this section “shall seize the psilocybin and cause such substance to be destroyed as contraband in accordance with law.”
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National Animal Supplement Council Study Says for Dogs CBD Is “Safe For Long-Term Use”

A study funded by the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) has found that cannabidiol (CBD) is “safe for long-term use” in dogs.

“The tolerability of different cannabinoids given orally to dogs was evaluated in a randomized, non-blinded, negative controlled, parallel design 90-day repeat dose study with a 14-day recovery period”, states the abstract of the study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Veterinary.

For the study healthy beagles (16 males and 16 females) were randomized into four treatment groups and treated with either medium chain triglyceride oil as the control or one of the following: broad spectrum cannabidiol, broad spectrum cannabidiol with cannabigerol, or broad spectrum cannabidiol with cannabidiolic acid at 5 mg total cannabinoids/kg body weight/day.
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US Senate Seat From California to Shift to Pro-Marijuana Legalization if Adam Schiff Wins General Election, As Now Expected

Congressmember Adam Schiff had a conclusive victory in yesterday’s primary election, and is now poised for victory in November.

(Photo credit: Andrew Harnik / Associated Press).

In the race to replace the late Dianne Feinstein, Congressmember Adam Schiff is now the clear favorite after coming first in the primary with 33% support. Republican Steve Garvey beat out Congressmembers Katie Porter and Barbara Lee (who got 14% and 7% respectively) to come second and advance to the general election. Given Democrats outnumber Republicans roughly two to one, it’s now all but certain that Adam Schiff will become the next US Senator from California.

For marijuana reform advocates, this will be a welcome change. Despite being a Democrat and considered a progressive on many issues, former Senator Feinstein remained opposed to legalizing or even decriminalizing marijuana nationwide throughout her full career, despite her state legalizing marijuana in 2016. Feinstein was in the US Senate from 1993 to 2023.
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