Oral THC May Reduce Agitation, Apathy, Irritability and Sleep/Eating Disturbances in Those With Alzheimer Disease

Oral THC with a small amount of CBD may be effective in reducing a host of negative symptoms associated with Alzheimer disease, according to a study published in the recent issue of the journal Clinical Therapeutics.

As noted by the study’s abstract, ten million new cases of dementia are recorded annually worldwide, with agitation and idiopathic weight loss being the most common symptoms. Although several pharmacological therapies have emerged in recent years, “the clinical use of cannabis extracts in older patients with AD is constantly growing.”

This retrospective, analytical, observational, spontaneous trial “aimed to enhance the clinical action of THC: CBD cannabis extract administration in AD patients with severe symptoms such as agitation, weight loss, cognitive impairment, and sleep disturbance.”
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Study: Combination of THC and CBD Reduces Seizure Frequency in Children with Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy

According to a new study published in the journal Neuropediatrics the daily administration of a combination of THC and CBD is effective in reducing seizures in children with treatment-resistant epilepsy.

For the study researchers from the Imperial College London and Sapphire Medical Clinics examined the efficacy and safety of CBD isolate oils, CBD broad-spectrum oils, and an oil that contained an equal combination of both CBD and THC.

Researchers found that “65.7% of patients achieved a ≥50% reduction in seizure frequency”, while 94.1% of patients treated with CBD and Δ9-THC “observed a ≥50% reduction in seizure frequency”. This is compared to 31.6% and 17.6% of patients treated with CBD isolates and broad-spectrum CBD products respectively.”
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Connecticut: Over $2 Million in Marijuana Sold in First 7 Days of Legal Sales

Legal marijuana sales began in Connecticut on January 10th, and millions of dollars worth has already been sold.

According to new data released by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, which oversees the legal marijuana market, the state topped $2 million in sales in the first seven days, from January 10th to January 17th.

The highest grossing day thus far was, unsurprisingly, opening day with $359k sold on January 10th. The slowest day was the 17th, with $169k sold.
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Second Minnesota House Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Marijuana

A second committee in Minnesota’s House of Representatives has given approval to a bill that would make marijuana legal for those 21 and older.

A little over a week after the House Commerce, Finance and Policy Committee voted to approve House Bill 100 to legalize marijuana, the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee has done the same, passing the measure on a voice vote.

“Members, Minnesotans are ready,” says State Representative Zack Stephenson, who sponsored the bill with 29 cosponsors. “Cannabis should not be illegal in Minnesota.”
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U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Signs Marijuana Legalization Bill Into Law

Legislation that would legalize marijuana for everyone 21 and older has been signed into law by the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The legislation, filed by Senator Janelle Sarauw, was passed by the Senate in an overwhelming 11 to 1 vote in December, and was signed into law today by Govenor Albert Bryan Jr., who has been a longtime proponent of legalizing marijuana.

“From the beginning of the Bryan-Roach Administration, we have worked towards the legalization of the adult use of cannabis, and today, with the hard work of the members of the 34th Legislature and prior Legislatures and the efforts of my team, we are finally here and finally signing into law the Virgin Islands Cannabis Use Act,” said Governor Bryan Jr. in a public statement.
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Survey Finds 65% of Likely U.S. Voters Support Federal Marijuana Legalization

According to a new Data for Progress survey, the vast majority of likely voters in the U.S. support legalizing marijuana on the federal level.

The survey found 65% of likely U.S. voters to be in support of federal marijuana legalization, including 75% of Democrats, 67% of independents and 52% of Republicans. Voters also support marijuana policies that prioritize minority communities for dispensary licenses and tax revenue.

The Data for Progress survey of 1,228 likely voters in December 2022 examined whether voters support the U.S. government legalizing the adult use of recreational marijuana. The survey also gauged voter support for the U.S. government passing both of the equitable policy measures in New York’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.
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Colorado Garnered $325 Million in Marijuana Taxes in 2022

The legal sales of marijuana and marijuana products netted Colorado $325,103,684 in tax revenue in 2022.

This brings the total tax revenue garnered from legal marijuana sales since the first licensed retail outlet opened in 2014 to $2,344,036,689, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The total tax revenue made in 2022 is lower than the pandemic numbers of 2021 and 2020, but higher than all years prior to 2020.

In Colorado the excise tax on marijuana is set at 15%, which is on top of the 2.9% standard statewide sales tax. In addition to these taxes, localities have the option of implementing a city-wide tax of up to 3%. The tax revenue for 2022 came from roughly $1.8 billion in marijuana sales, bringing the to-date total to over $14 billion.
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Cannabidiol “Repairs Behavioral and Brain Disturbances” Produced by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Finds Study

The cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) may help to combat the negative symptoms associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

This is according to a new study published by the journal Pharmacological Research and conducted by researchers from Spain, Argentina and the United States. The study is titled Cannabidiol repairs behavioral and brain disturbances in a model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

The study notes that given available treatments for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are minimal, “developing animal models simulating FASD is essential for understanding the underlying brain alterations and searching for efficient therapeutic approaches.”
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Study: Cannabis Use “Does Not Have a Negative Impact on Public Health”

Cannabis use “does not have a negative impact on public health in a manner detectable using health indicators”, finds a new peer-reviewed study.

Conducted by researchers at the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, both in España, and the Autonomous University of Madrid, all in Spain, the study was published in the December issue of the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoids Research, and was published online by the National Library of Medicine.

Despite a growing number of countries legalizing marijuana, researchers note that “there is a lack of information on the impact of regular consumption of this substance on public health.” In this study, “for the first time, regular cannabis consumers in Spain were assessed using health indicators, comparing these data with the general population.”
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Hawaii Marijuana Legalization Bill Announced

At a press conference proponents of legalizing marijuana in Hawaii held a press conference to announce new legislation to do just that.

State Representative Jeanné Kapela held the press conference along with members of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii, and the ACLU of Hawaii to announce her new legislation. The proposal would allow anyone 21 and older to possess and use marijuana, and would establish a system of licensed retail outlets to legally distribute marijuana and marijuana products.

“Marijuana prohibition has caused immeasurable harm to our communities, particularly communities of color,” said DeVaughn Ward, MPP’s Senior Legislative Counsel. “Cannabis legalization is an opportunity to stop the harm to our residents and the waste of limited public safety resources.”
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