Wisconsin Bill to Legalize Recreational Marijuana Receives Senate Committee Assignment

A legislative proposal that would legalize marijuana throughout Wisconsin has received a committee assignment in the Senate.

Senate Bill 486 was filed last week with 36 cosponsors; 10 senators and 26 state representatives. The proposal has now been assigned to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.

It must be passed through this and an additional committee before it can be considered by the full Senate, and if passed by the Senate then the full House of Representatives. Passage through both chambers would send the measure to Governor Tony Evers for final consideration.
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Arbitration Panel Decides Alaska Airlines Must Reinstate Worker Fired for Marijuana

An arbitrational panel has ruled that Alaska Airlines erred in firing an employee because they tested positive for THC, and they must reinstate the individual.

In July, 2022 John Doe (their real name was redacted by the panel) was fired from Alaska Airlines after receiving and subsequently failing a drug test because they had THC in their system. The 46 year old lead aircraft maintenance technician, who had worked with the company for over two decades, tested above the minimum threshold for THC and was given no option to retain his position.

The individual denied using marijuana and “could not explain the positive drug result other than speculating he may have unwittingly ingested a marijuana edible at a block party/barbecue he had recently attended”.
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Michigan: $274 Million in Legal Marijuana Purchased in September, Over $6 Billion Since 2020

There was over a quarter of a billion dollars worth of marijuana sold legally throughout Michigan in the month of September.

According to the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency, the state sold $274,728,595 worth of legal marijuana in September, a slight decrease from the $276.2 million sold in August and the record-breaking $276.7 million sold in July. However, marijuana sales for September saw a roughly 30% increase over the sales total for September, 2022.

The $274.7 million sold in September of this year was primarily recreational marijuana; $269,813,092. Medical marijuana patients purchased $4,915,502 worth of marijuana during the same period.
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Study Finds CBD May Enhance Sleep Quality and Help Combat Cancer Cells

According to new research, eight weeks of using 50mg of CBD daily “may offer benefits in enhancing sleep quality in humans and improving immunosurveillance against cancer cells”.

Conducted by researchers at the University of Northern Colorado, the University of Utah, the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Northern Colorado, the study is titled Eight Weeks of Daily Cannabidiol Supplementation Improves Sleep Quality and Immune Cell Cytotoxicity. It was published in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients.

Researchers for the study note that “Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating exogenous cannabinoid agonist derived from plants that, at high doses, has received FDA approval as an anticonvulsant for epileptic seizures, and at low doses is marketed as a food-grade supplement for improved mental health, sleep quality, and immunological function.”
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Ohio: Early Voting Underway on Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Election in Three Weeks

Early voting is officially underway in Ohio for Issue 2, an initiative that would make marijuana legal for everyone 21 and older.

Early voting on Issue 2 began on October 11, with election day coming in just three weeks and a day, on November 7.

If passed into law, Issue 2 would legalize the personal possession of up to two and a half ounces of dried cannabis, purchasable at a licensed marijuana retail outlet. These outlets would also be allowed to see up to 15 grams per person of marijuana concentrates, and they could carry a variety of other marijuana products including edibles, tinctures and topicals.
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THC “Inhibited the Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer Cells” In New Study

The marijuana compound THC may induce the death of colorectal cancer cells, according to a new study.

The study is being published in the journal Genes & Genomics, and it was published online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine. It was conducted by researchers at Kangwon National University, the Kangwon Center for System Imaging, Chuncheon Bioindustry Foundation, the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute and the Kangwon Center for System Imaging, all in the Republic of Korea.

“Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) is a principal psychoactive extract of Cannabis sativa and has been traditionally used as palliative medicine for neuropathic pain”, states the study’s abstract. “Cannabidiol (CBD), an extract of hemp species, has recently attracted increased attention as a cancer treatment, but Δ9-THC is also requiring explored pharmacological application.”
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Illinois Lawmaker Files Bill to Urge US Congress to Pass Federal Marijuana Banking Act

Illinois State Representative Marcus Evans (D) has filed legislation aimed at encouraging the federal government to pass a marijuana banking bill.

Illinois House Resolution 440 was filed today in the House of Representatives. It has not yet been assigned to a committee.

The proposal states that a “reliance on cash makes cannabis businesses prime targets for theft, burglary, armed robbery, and other property crimes”. If Congress were to pass legislation allowing financial institutions to provide banking services to legitimate state-authorized, cannabis-related businesses, “the risk of crime at these businesses would substantially decrease”.
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Alabama Commission to Issue Medical Marijuana Licenses by Year’s End

After months of legal issues and delays, Alabama regulators have vowed to issue medical marijuana licenses by the end of the year.

According to a report by the Associated Press, the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission is aiming to award licenses to growers and distributors by the end of the year after an issue-filled roll out of the state’s medical marijuana program. The rollout has included multiple lawsuits, numerous licenses being issued and then voided, and a circuit judge placing a mortarium on licenses being issued.

The commission yesterday adopted an emergency rule approving a new process for selecting license winners. Companies will make presentations to the commission. Commissioners can also consider scores that were previously awarded to submitted applications.
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Study Finds CBD May Help Combat Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

The cannabis compound  cannabidiol (CBD) may be useful in fighting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), according to a new peer-reviewed study.

The study, conducted by researchers at Wuyi University in China and the University of Rhode Island in the US, is being published in the December issue of the journal Bioorganic Chemistry. It’s been epublished online ahead of print.

“Drug-resistant bacterium infections are a severe threat to public health and novel antimicrobial agents combating drug-resistant bacteria are an unmet medical need”, states the study. “Although cannabidiol (CBD) has been reported to show antibacterial effects, whether its antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can be improved remains unclear.”

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Study Finds Licensed Marijuana Stores Are Not Linked to Increased Crime

According to a new study the “presence of a [marijuana] dispensary has no significant impact on local crime in the average neighborhood.”

The study was published in the recent issue of the journal Annals of Regional Science, and it was conducted by researchers at John Hopkins University and the University of Hawaii.

“Many North American jurisdictions have legalized the operation of recreational marijuana dispensaries”, states the study. “A common concern is that dispensaries may contribute to local crime. Identifying the effect of dispensaries on crime is confounded by the spatial endogeneity of dispensary locations.”
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