Legislation to legalize the personal possession of several psychedelic substances, including magic mushrooms (psilocybin), has advanced to the floor of the California Senate.
Senate Bill 58 would legalize the possession of up to two grams of DMT, 15 grams of ibogaine, two grams of psilocybin (or up to four ounces of “a plant or fungi containing psilocybin”) and two grams of psilocyn (or up to four ounces of “a plant or fungi containing psilocybin”). The proposal has advanced through the Appropriations Committee after Chair Anthony Portantino utilized a committee rule allowing the measure to be sent directly the Senate floor, according to a spokesperson for the senator.
SB 58 would legalize the “possession, preparation, obtaining, transfer, as specified, or transportation” of the above-mentioned substances” for personal or facilitated use”. It would also allow for “group counseling and community-based healing” and would legalize “any spores or mycelium capable of producing mushrooms or other material which contain psilocybin or psilocyn.”
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