Study Finds CBD Tincture Effective in Treating Dementia Symptoms Over 6-Month Period

According to a new study published in the journal Clinical Gerontologist, the use of CBD tincture is associated with symptom improvements in those with Dementia.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, and the University of Ioannina, all in Greece.

The objective of the study was to “investigate the beneficial outcomes of giving cannabidiol (CBD) 3% over a six-month period in the BPSD [behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia]”.
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Rhode Island: $8.89 Million in Legal Marijuana Purchased in May, New Monthly Record

Legal marijuana stores sold nearly $9 million in legal marijuana in May, a new monthly record for the state with a population of just less than 1.1 million.

(Photo credit: Shutterstock)

According to data released by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations, there was $6,037,183.97 in recreational marijuana sold in May, as well as $2,979,828.99 worth of medical marijuana. This brings the total amount of legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in May to $8,892,593.99.

The $8.89 million sold in May is a monthly record for the state and represents a modest increase from the $8.4 million sold in April, and the $8.7 million sold in March.
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Oregon: Nearly $80 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in May, Price Per Gram Down to $3.81

There was just shy of $80 million in legal marijuana sold in May in Oregon.

In total Oregon marijuana stores sold $79,071,330 worth of marijuana and marijuana products. This is slightly less than, but roughly on par with, the $80.7 million sold in April and the $81 million sold in March. It’s about 6% less than the $84 million sold in May, 2022. This is all according to data released by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC).

Oregon garnered roughly $13.4 million in taxes from the $79 million in marijuana sold in May, based on the state’s 17% marijuana tax rate. This doesn’t include any tax revenue obtained by cities who have established their own local tax.
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Massachusetts: Cost of Legal Marijuana Drops to All-Time Low of $6.05 Per Gram

The cost of marijuana in Massachusetts is now just $6.05 a gram, according to data released by the Cannabis Control Commission

The average price per gram of legal marijuana in Massachusetts dropped from $6.63 in March, to $6.05 in April. The previous all-time low was $6.15 in January.

The roughly $6 per gram average marks a 58% decrease from the peak cost of $14.68 in January 2020, and a 57% decrease from the average cost in November, 2018, the first month of legal sales ($14.08).
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Massachusetts Bill Would Give Legal Protections to Out-of-State Medical Marijuana Patients

Legislation scheduled for a hearing next week in the Massachusetts Legislature would give legal protections to tourists who have a valid medical marijuana authorization from another state.

Filed by Senators Susan Moran, Lindsay Sabadosa and Patrick O’Connor, Senate Bill 1082 has been scheduled for a hearing by the Joint Committee on The Judiciary at 1pm in room A-2.

The measure states that a visiting qualifying patient “shall be afforded all the rights and protections granted to a qualifying patient under this act”. This means that out-of-state patients would not only be given legal protections if found possessing or using marijuana, they would be allowed to purchase marijuana from any of the state’s dispensaries.
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Maine Legislature Approves Bill to Double Marijuana Cultivation Limit

The Maine Legislature has given approval to legislation that doubles the current limit for the personal cultivation of marijuana.

House Bill 555, filed by State Representative David Boyer along with a bipartisan coalition of nine other lawmakers, has now been passed by both the House of Representatives and Senate. It will soon be sent to Governor Janet Mills for consideration.

According to its official summary the measure “increases the number of mature cannabis plants allowed for home cultivation from 3 to 6.”
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Rhode Island Committee Votes 12 to 2 to Legalize Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms)

Rhode Island legislation that would legalize the possession and cultivation of the psychedelic compound psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms) has been passed by a key House committee.

Psilocybin mushrooms.

The House Judiciary Committee voted 12 to 2 today to pass House Bill 5923, roughly three months after it was introduced. The proposal would allow those 21 and older to possess and grow up to 28.35 grams (one ounce) of psilocybin for personal use, while also allowing them to grow it and share it with another individual who is also at least 21 years old.
The proposal states that nothing in state’s drug codes “shall apply to any compound, mixture, or preparation containing less than one ounce (1 oz.) of psilocybin provided the following conditions have been met:
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Missouri Courts Expunge Over 44,000 Marijuana Convictions Ahead of June 8 Deadline

Over 44,000 marijuana cases have been expunged in Missouri under Article XIV of the state’s constitution, including over 10,000 felony convictions.

Article XIV was included in the state’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law. The initiative requires courts to expunge all eligible misdemeanor marijuana convictions by Thursday, June 8th.

Multiple counties including Audrain, Clay, Cooper, Carter, Greene, Laclede, McDonald, Pettis, Phelps, Saline, St. Charles, Scott, and St. Francois have each expunged at least 1,000 cases each, with Buchanan county leading the way with over 2,000.
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Study Finds CBD Treatment Can Enhance Social Interactions in Animal Model of Autism

Acute treatment with as little as 10 mg/kg of purified CBD “can enhance social interaction preference in male mice that are otherwise socially deficient”, according to a new study that could have important implications for humans and open the door for future research.

The study is available in the recent issue of the journal Advances in Drug and Alcohol Research, and it was epublished by the National Library of Medicine. The full text of the study can be found by clicking here.

“The potential for CBD to ameliorate dimensional behavior symptoms occurring in multiple psychiatric disorders was suggested, including social interaction impairments”, states the study’s abstract. To test this hypothesis, “adult male mice with idiopathic autism exhibiting social preference deficits and restrictive repetitive behaviors” were acutely treated with either a placebo or 0.1, 1, or 10 mg/kg CBD.
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Rhode Island Bill to Legalize Psilocybin Possession and Cultivation Scheduled for Committee Consideration

Legislation that would legalize the possession of up to an ounce of psilocybin – the psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms – has been scheduled for consideration tomorrow in the House Judiciary Committee.

Psilocybin mushrooms.

Psilocybin mushrooms.

House Bill 5923 would allow those 21 and older to possess and grow up to 28.35 grams (one ounce) of psilocybin for personal use.

The bipartisan proposal was filed by State Representative Brandon Potter in March along with eight cosponsors. The measure was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, with the committee recommending on March 9 that it be “held for further study”. Now, three months later, the committee is scheduled to consider and potentially vote on the measure during tomorrow’s (June 6) meeting.
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