Virginia Senate Subcommittee Approves Bill to Lower Scheduling of Magic Mushrooms, Create Advisory Board

Legislation to lower the scheduling of magic mushrooms and to create a state Advisory Board for the psychedelic has been passed out of its initial committee.

Introduced by State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, the measure would establish a statewide psilocybin advisory board and would adjust the psychedelic to be a lower schedule under state law, from Schedule I to Schedule III.

The proposal was passed by the Senate Education and Health Subcommittee on Health Professions in a 6 to 1 vote on Friday.

The subcommittee’s move to approve the measure comes roughly a week after a measure to legalize the Psychedelic for medical purposes was rejected by a house panel. The measure now goes before the full committee.

Senator Hashmi last year filed legislation to fully decriminalize magic mushrooms which failed to advance in the state’s legislature leading them to introduce this more narrow measure.

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