Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana Filed in Idaho

Idaho is one of just 12 states that have not legalized medical marijuana, but that would change under a new bill filed today in the state’s legislature.

“In enacting this bill, it is the intent of the legislature to authorize the use of medical cannabis for persons diagnosed with a substantial health condition”, states House Bill 370, filed by Republican State Representative John Vander Woude (who is Chair of the House Health and Welfare Committee ). The measure is titled the Idaho Medical Cannabis Act.

Under the relatively restrictive proposal, those with a qualifying condition would be authorized to possess and use up to 10 mg of THC processed to a “tablet, chewable, droplet, or pill”, meaning that actually smoking medical marijuana would remain prohibited.

The bill would establish a licensed system or dispensaries, supplied by licensed producers, who would be authorized to sell medical marijuana products to qualified patients.

Qualified medical conditions include: AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, autism, cachexia, cancer, severe chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea that is not significantly responsive to traditional treatment, PTSD, terminal illness, any condition resulting in hospice care. and a rare condition or disease that affects few than 200,000 individuals and is not adequately managed despite treatment attempts.

In addition it would allow “any other condition designated by the board through rulemaking.” The “board” is referring to the Medical Cannabis Board, which would be created under this legislation.

For the full text of House Bill 370, click here.

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