City of Cleveland, Ohio Files Motion to Expunge Over 4,000 Marijuana Records

Last week Cleveland Mayor Justin M. Bibb joined Chief Prosecutor Aqueelah Jordan and Council President Blaine Griffin to file motions to expunge 4,077 records of marijuana convictions.

The motions filed at the Justice Center wipe records dating back to 2017 for misdemeanor marijuana possession cases of 20 grams or less under Cleveland Codified Ordinance 607.02. There are also cases under Cleveland Codified Ordinance 607.03, with a weight limit of up to 200 grams, included in the requests.

“Today, we are moving forward with clearing the names of over 4,000 residents who deserve a fresh start,” said Mayor Bibb stated. “This is just one way we can make progress on criminal justice reform to balance the scales and remove barriers to employment and re-entry.”

In early 2020, Cleveland City Council passed legislation (Ord. 902-2019) to lower the penalties for misdemeanor marijuana possession cases – to no fines or prison time. The legislation also ensured those convicted would not have a criminal record and they would not need to report the charge on applications for employment or licenses.

“This is the natural progression of what we (at council) wanted to see; first to decriminalize, then to have records expunged,” said Council President Griffin. “Before we passed the legislation, we put together a working group with activists and criminal justice experts.

“As more and more states legalized marijuana, we wanted to position the city in that direction,” Council President Griffin sad. “For me, this has always been about criminal justice reform.”

The Prosecutor’s Office has identified 455 individuals who have been mistakenly charged since City Council passed the ordinance in January of 2020, in addition to thousands of other cases eligible for expungement since 2017.

“Today, we filed motions to expunge all cases of minor misdemeanor marijuana possession to honor the City’s legislation and eliminate criminal consequences,” Chief Prosecutor Jordan said.

The motions filed with the Clerk’s Office today will be considered by Presiding Judge Michelle D. Earley and other judges in Cleveland Municipal Court. Expungements will take effect as soon as the motions are signed by the judges.

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