Over $100 Million in Legal Marijuana Purchased in Arizona in February

There was just shy of $110 million in marijuana and marijuana products purchased legally in February in Arizona.

According to data released by the Arizona Department of Revenue, licensed marijuana dispensaries in Arizona sold $28,202,481 worth of medical marijuana, while marijuana retail outlets sold $80,887,002 worth of recreational marijuana. These numbers include the sale of dried marijuana flower, as well as marijuana concentrates and infused products.

The nearly $110 million sold in February brought in $21,752,278 in tax revenue for the state. $2,341,776 from medical marijuana, $6,468,582 from adult-used marijuana and $12,941,920 in marijuana excise tax revenue.

The total sales for 2023, which don’t yet count March, is around $220 million resulting in $44 million in taxes.

Since the first marijuana retail outlet opened in early 2021, Arizona has sold over $3 billion worth of marijuana, resulting in over half a billion dollars in tax revenue.

Voters in Arizona legalized marijuana via a ballot initiative in 2020. The law allows those 21 and up to purchase and possess up to an ounce of marijuana. Both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana receive a transaction privilege tax of 5.6%, with the latter also receiving an excise tax of 16%.

More detailed marijuana sales and tax information can be found on the website for the Arizona Department of Revenue by clicking here.

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