Study Finds CBD “is a Credible Candidate to Address Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disturbance”

The marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) is a credible candidate to address alcohol-induced sleep disturbances, according to a study published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism.

The abstract of the study was published ahead online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine, and it was conducted by researchers at McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, both in Canada.

Among individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD), it is estimated that the majority suffer from persistent sleep disturbances for which few candidate medications are available, notes the study’s authors. “Our aim was to critically review the potential for cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment for AUD-induced sleep disturbance.”

As context, “notable side effects and abuse liability for existing medications for AUD-induced sleep disturbance reduce their clinical utility. CBD modulation of the endocannabinoid system and favorable safety profile have generated substantial interest in its potential therapeutic use for various medical conditions.”

After conducting a meta-analysis of dozens of peer-reviewed studies meeting specific criteria, researchers claim that “a number of preclinical and clinical studies suggest promise for CBD in restoring the normal sleep-wake cycle and in enhancing sleep quality in patients diagnosed with AUD.”

They say that “Based on its pharmacology and the existing literature, albeit primarily preclinical and indirect, CBD is a credible candidate to address alcohol-induced sleep disturbance.”

The authors conclude that “Well-designed RCTs will be necessary to test its potential in managing this challenging feature of AUD.”

For more information on this study, click here.

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