Illinois: $132 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in May, Year-to-Date Total Almost $650 Million

According to data released by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the state sold over $130 million worth of legal marijuana and marijuana products in May

In May, there was $132,777,299.46 in legal marijuana purchased in Illinois. Of this, $100 million was purchased by those living in Illinois, with the remaining $32.7 million sold to out-of-state residents. This brings the year-to-date total to $647,984,773, putting the state on track to top well more than $1 billion for 2023.

The $132 million sold in May is a slight increase from the $131 million sold in April, but a slight decrease from the $134 million sold in March.

Marijuana was legalized for those 21 and older in Illinois in 2019, with the first marijuana store opening the following year. The possession limit for residents is 30 grams of cannabis flower, five grams of cannabis concentrate and no more than 500 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused product.

The possession limit for non-Illinois residents is 15 grams of cannabis flower, 2.5 grams of cannabis no more than 250 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused products.

In 2022 there was $1,552,324,820 in marijuana and marijuana products legally sold in Illinois, a 12% increase from 2021 and a 131% increase from 2020.

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