Detroit to Issue 50 More Marijuana Licenses, Application Process Starts August 1

The city of Detroit has announced that it will soon begin accepting applications for marijuana business licenses roughly seven months after the city issued the first 33 licenses.

City officials say on August 1 they will reopen the application process for marijuana retail outlets, microbusinesses and consumption lounges, with a plan to issue dozens more licenses. Those interested will need to apply by August 31. A decision will be made within six to eight weeks.

In total Detroit plans to issue 10 microbusiness licenses, 10 licenses for consumption lounges and 30 licenses for marijuana stores.

Equity applicants will receive half of all licenses. According to the city an equity applicant “is either an individual whose primary residence is located within a disproportionately impacted community or an entity in which at least one or more of such individuals owns and controls at least 51 percent”.

Licensees will also be required to get a state operating license from the Cannabis Regulatory Agency before they an begin operating.

Below is a list of the marijuana licenses issued so far, according to CBS Detroit.

Equity Licenses

  1. House of Zen (14501 Mack)
  2. LIV Cannabis (12604 E Jefferson)
  3. Motor City Kush (10 E 8 Mile)
  4. Liberty Cannabis (2540 Rosa Parks)
  5. High Profile (20327 Groesbeck)
  6. Chronic City (6810 E. McNichols)
  7. Plan B (20101 W 8 Mile)
  8. DaCut (12668 Gratiot)
  9. Blue Wave (1947 W Fort)
  10. The Remedy (20041 W 8 Mile)
  11. loud Cannabis (16003 Mack)
  12. Gage 313 (14239 W 8 Mile)
  13. Detroit Herbal Ctr (14325 Wyoming)
  14. Nuggets (18270 Telegraph)
  15. Livernois Provision (8305 Livernois)
  16. Inhale (15670 E 8 Mile)
  17. TJM Enterprises (8600 E 8 Mile #28)
  18. The Herbalist (15510 W Warren)
  19. Ivy League (471 S Schaefer)
  20. SJTC Enterprises (6640 E 8 Mile)


Non-Equity Licenses

  1. Luxury Loud (2520 22nd)
  2. THC Detroit (19533 W Warren)
  3. Det Natural (3394 Fort)
  4. Jars Cannabis (11400 8 Mile)
  5. House of Dank (3340 E 8 Mile)
  6. SMOK (7461 W 8 Mile)
  7. Oz Cannabis (16829 Harper)
  8. MPP Services (2710 Livernois)
  9. West Coast Meds (8620 Lyndon)
  10. Cookies (6030 8 Mile)
  11. Southwest Meds (6237 Federal)
  12. Leaf and Bud (14470 Livernois)
  13. Playa Kind (8301 St. Aubin)
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