Seattle Law Giving Marijuana Workers Stronger Labor Protections Takes Effect

A Seattle ordinance giving marijuana workers in the city stronger labor protections has officially taken effect.

The Office of Labor Standards (OLS) announced the City of Seattle’s Cannabis Employee Job Retention (CEJR) Ordinance went into effect on July 19.

This ordinance requires covered outgoing cannabis business employers to “Post written notice of a change in control” and “Provide a preferential hiring list to the incoming cannabis employer”.

It also requires the incoming employer to:

  • Retain covered employees for a certain period of time following the change
  • Follow other hiring and retention requirements

“The Cannabis Employee Job Retention Ordinance is a monumental step toward protecting the rights of cannabis industry employees,” said Cody Funderburk, cannabis industry professional, activist, and former member of local cannabis union UFCW 3000. “The effects of this legislation will improve job security for thousands of employees in Washington State’s cannabis industry. Workers deserve the peace of mind of knowing that their livelihoods will be safe as the cannabis industry continues to rapidly shift and evolve.”

“OLS is committed to providing outreach, education, and enforcement for Seattle’s newest labor standard,” said OLS Director Steven Marchese. “The Cannabis Employee Job Retention Ordinance provides protections for workers in this industry that will help provide a stable workplace, stronger workforce, and contribute to a better overall economy for Seattle.”

Final rules were announced this month after a stakeholder engagement process that included multiple meetings with employees, employee advocates, impacted employers, and comment period.

The final rules reflect Mayor Harrell and the City’s commitment to improve equitable outcomes in the cannabis industry and clarify matters raised in the ordinance, including provisions related to preferential hiring, offer of employment, and discharge from employment for just cause.

You can view the new rules Chapter 230 in its entirety by clicking here. More information and resources related to the CEJR Ordinance can be found on the CEJR Ordinance webpage on the OLS website.

For questions regarding the CEJR Ordinance you can call 206-256-5297 or email [email protected].

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