Global Cannabis Stock Index Up 12% Since June But Down 47% From a Year Ago

The Global Cannabis Stock Index has seen a modest increase in recent weeks.

As of the time of publication the Global Cannabis Stock Index currently sits at 8.32, a 3% increase from the 8.05 seen at the close of markets yesterday.

The low point of the year for the Index came on June 23 with the market dipping to an all-time low of 7.41. Since then the market has seen a 12% increase, rising to 8.32 at close of today’s market.

Despite this increase, the Global Cannabis Stock Index still remains around 16% lower than it did at the start of the year when it stood at 9.65, and it’s 47% lower than its value of 15.73 it had at this same point last year.

The Global Cannabis Stock Index has represented the overall publicly-traded market for the medical and legal marijuana sector since 2013.

To be included in the Index each stock must have an average daily trading value in excess of $500k with a minimum price of at least $0.50 (10-day average). Non-U.S. companies must have a U.S. listing in order to be included. The dollar-volume threshold for non-U.S. companies includes both U.S. and non-U.S. volume, but there is an additional requirement that the daily average U.S. dollar-volume be in excess of $300K.

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