Michigan: $274 Million in Legal Marijuana Purchased in September, Over $6 Billion Since 2020

There was over a quarter of a billion dollars worth of marijuana sold legally throughout Michigan in the month of September.

According to the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency, the state sold $274,728,595 worth of legal marijuana in September, a slight decrease from the $276.2 million sold in August and the record-breaking $276.7 million sold in July. However, marijuana sales for September saw a roughly 30% increase over the sales total for September, 2022.

The $274.7 million sold in September of this year was primarily recreational marijuana; $269,813,092. Medical marijuana patients purchased $4,915,502 worth of marijuana during the same period.

Sales numbers include the distribution of dried marijuana flower as well as other marijuana products including concentrates, edibles and topicals.

Total recreational marijuana sales since the start of legal sales in December, 2019 now stands at $6,136,825,363.99, with over $6 billion sold since January, 2020. This is in addition to the $1,591,983,417 in medical marijuana sold during the same period.

According to the Cannabis Regulatory Agency there are currently 729 licensed marijuana retail outlets located throughout Michigan, 13 more than the previous month.

The average cost per ounce of recreational marijuana in August was $100.14, a nearly $6 increase from the $94.16 average in August. The average cost per ounce of medical marijuana was $112.

Michigan voters legalized marijuana in November, 2018, with the first licensed retail outlet open the following year. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates. Recreational marijuana receives a 10% excise tax in addition to the state’s 6% sales tax, leading to a tax haul of over $40 million for September.

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