New York Bill Would Prohibit Some Marijuana Stores From Opening Until One Hour After Schools Start

Newly filed legislation would make it so that no marijuana store could open “until one hour after the latest beginning of a school day of any school located within one mile of such adult-use dispensing facility”.

Assembly Bill 8472 was filed today by Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs, and swiftly assigned to the Economic Development Committee.

“No adult-use dispensing facility shall open until one hour after the latest beginning of a school day of any school located within one mile of such adult-use dispensing facility”, states the bill. However, “the provisions of this subdivision shall only apply on those days such school is operational.”

The provisions of this subdivision “shall not be construed to permit operation of an adult-use dispensing facility during hours which are prohibited by any general, special or local law or rule or regulation.”

The proposed law would also apply to facilities that sell tobacco and tobacco products, stating:

No tobacco business shall open until one hour after the latest beginning of a school day of any school located within one mile of such tobacco business; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall only apply on those days such school is operational. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to permit operation of a tobacco business during hours which are prohibited by any general, special or local law or rule or regulation.

The full text of Assembly Bill 8472 can be found by clicking here.

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