Connecticut: $27 Million Worth of Marijuana Sold in December, $274 Million in 2023

December broke the monthly marijuana sales record in Connecticut.

There was $27.5 million worth of legal marijuana sold in December in Connecticut, breaking the previous monthly record by over $1 million. This is according to data released by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection.

The majority of these sales were to recreational consumers at $17.1 million, while medical marijuana patients purchased $10.3 million.

December’s sales brings the yearly total for 2023 to $274 million.

“One year ago, the state of Connecticut opened an entirely new market, creating jobs, opportunity, and a safe, regulated way for adults to purchase cannabis,” said Bryan T. Cafferelli, a commissioner for the Department of Consumer Protection. “Since then, many new businesses have opened and more are on the way. We are proud of the work carried out by our agency over the past year, and we are looking forward to continued growth, fair regulation, collaboration with our sister agencies, and thoughtful problem solving as new challenges present themselves in the years to come.”

Connecticut’s recreational marijuana law was passed in 2021, with the first marijuana store opening in January of last year. Under the law those 21 and older can possess up to 1.5 ounces of marijuana which they can purchase from a licensed marijuana retail outlet. They can also grow up to six plants for personal use.

Last month the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) doubled the purchase limit for recreational marijuana, from a quarter of an ounce per transaction to half an ounce.

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