Poll: Voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan Strongly Favor Legalizing Marijuana and Federal Marijuana Banking Reform

A recent poll conducted by The Tarrance Group shows strong support among likely voters in the key swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin for legalizing marijuana.

According to the poll, a significant majority of voters across these states, regardless of political affiliation, are in favor of legalization. Specifically, 64% of voters in Michigan, 58% in Pennsylvania, and 62% in Wisconsin support legalizing marijuana for adults. Of these states, only Michigan has passed a law legalizing marijuana.

When it comes to medical marijuana, support was much higher, at 83% in both Michigan and Wisconsin, and 79% in Pennsylvania. In each state, 20% of less said they support keeping marijuana as a Schedule I drug federally.

Brian Herrington, Vice President of External Affairs for The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, which commissioned the poll, said “Candidates who favor common sense marijuana laws and rules have a real advantage in battleground states and can make inroads with key voting blocs that are expected to play a critical role in deciding the presidency and control of Congress.”

Herrington continues by saying “Regardless of party affiliation, voter support for marijuana reform is as strong as ever. Candidates have an opportunity to align with voter preferences by ending prohibition with responsible regulation, giving legal cannabis businesses access to commercial banks and categorizing cannabis as a low-risk drug.”

The poll also asked voters for their views on federal marijuana banking legislation. In Michigan, 67% expressed support for allowing banks to serve the marijuana industry, with support levels reaching 70% in Pennsylvania and 71% in Wisconsin.

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