The 5 States With the Highest Percentage of Medical Marijuana Patients

With medical marijuana now legal in 38 states, some states have witnessed particularly high enrollment in their cannabis programs as acceptance continues to grow across the United States.

Based on the most recent data from state regulatory agencies and the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), five states stand out for having the highest percentage of their populations registered as medical marijuana patients. Below are those five, ranked by the percentage of patients, from highest to lowest.

1. Oklahoma
Oklahoma leads the nation with the highest percentage of medical marijuana patients. Approximately 10% of the state’s population is enrolled in the program, reflecting the state’s relatively liberal medical marijuana laws and the absence of a list of qualifying conditions, which makes it easier for residents to obtain medical marijuana cards. This high percentage underscores the program’s popularity since its inception in 2018. Oklahoma also has more dispensaries per capita than any other state.

2. Maine
Maine ranks second with about 7.6% of its population registered as medical marijuana patients. The state has a well-established program that dates back to 1999, allowing residents with a wide range of qualifying conditions to access medical cannabis.

3. Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has seen significant growth in its medical marijuana program in recent years, especially as efforts to legalize recreational marijuana have continued to faulter, with approximately 5.49% of the state’s population registered as medical marijuana patients. The program, which was launched in 2016, has rapidly expanded, offering patients access to a variety of medical cannabis products to treat a wide array of conditions.

4. New Mexico
New Mexico was a relatively early adopter of medical marijuana, legalize it in 2007. Currently the state has about 4.78% of its population enrolled in their medical marijuana program.

5. Florida
Florida, the third-most populous state in the U.S., rounds out the top five with approximately 3.74% of its population registered in the state’s medical marijuana program. This number has grown steadily since the program’s approval in 2016, reflecting increasing acceptance and usage of medical cannabis among residents.

These states illustrate the growing trend of medical marijuana usage across the United States, with significant portions of their populations relying on cannabis for medical treatment. As more states continue to refine and expand their medical marijuana programs, these percentages may continue to rise, reflecting the broader acceptance and accessibility of medical cannabis nationwide.

The Next Three

6. Arkansas (3.10%)

7. Montana (2.68%)

8. Maryland (2.63%)

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