Pakistan National Assembly Passes Bill to Regulate Marijuana for Industrial and Medicinal Use.

The Pakistan National Assembly has passed legislation to legalize and regulate the cultivation, manufacturing, and sale of marijuana and its derivatives for industrial and medical use.

“This legislation aims to establish a clear regulatory framework to generate government revenue through taxation and to promote the development of supply chain for industrial and medicinal cannabis”, states the objective section of the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority Act. “[This measure is designed to] ensure public health and safety by regulating the cultivation, extraction, refining, manufacturing and sale of cannabis and its derivatives in accordance with international obligations and best practices.”

In addition, the measure aims “to promote local development of Cannabis based medicinal and industrial products, export generation and attracting Foreign Direct Investing (FDI), undertake research, development, and capacity building initiatives in collaboration with international counterparts to promote the growth and development of the Cannabis industry in Pakistan.”

Federal Minister for Law and Justice, Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, presented the bill, which passed by a strong majority. The measure would establish a regulatory framework to “increase government revenue through taxation” and “develop supply chains for industrial and medicinal cannabis.”

As outlined in the bill, the government would oversee cannabis cultivation, refining, extraction, and sales, ensuring compliance with international standards. Additionally, the legislation aims to “stimulate local development of cannabis-based medicinal and industrial products, enhance export opportunities,” and promote collaboration with international partners on research, development, and capacity-building initiatives for Pakistan’s cannabis industry.

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