Legislation to Legalize Personal Marijuana Cultivation Filed in Washington Legislature With 16 Sponsors

Legislation to legalize the personal cultivation of marijuana has been filed in the Washington State House of Representatives.

House Bill 1449 was filed today by a coalition of 16 state representatives, all Democrats. The measure wood allow everyone 21 and older to cultivate marijuana for personal use. The bill has been referred to the Consumer Protection & Business Committee for consideration.

Under the proposed legislation, individuals could grow up to six cannabis plants on the premises of their housing unit, with a maximum of 15 plants allowed per household, regardless of the number of occupants. Cannabis derived from these plants would also be permissible for personal use, allowing for possession above the state’s current one ounce limit,

The bill includes restrictions to address public visibility and odor concerns. Plants or cannabis products that are visible from public spaces or neighboring properties or have odors detectable outside the housing unit would constitute a Class 3 civil infraction. Growing between seven and 15 plants would be punishable as a Class 1 civil infraction, while possession of 16 or more plants would be classified as a Class C felony.

Law enforcement agencies would have the authority to seize and destroy plants exceeding the legal limit. However, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board would not have jurisdiction over home cultivation enforcement.

Under current Washington State law, growing even a single plant is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Only two of the other 23 recreational marijuana states prohibit personal cultivation.

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