A public hearing has been scheduled for House Bill 2585 on March 18 at 2 p.m. in Room D-1 of the Stratton Building, where it will be reviewed by the Illinois House Judiciary – Criminal Committee.
Filed by State Representative Curtis Tarver (D), with Representative Kevin Olickal (D) signing on as a co-sponsor today, House BIll 2585 would prevent law enforcement from stopping, searching, or detaining a vehicle or its occupants solely based on the smell of burnt or raw cannabis. The bill also removes the current requirement that cannabis must be stored in an odor-proof container within a motor vehicle.
The proposal marks an effort to limit vehicle searches related to marijuana odor, a practice that has been widely debated since Illinois legalized recreational cannabis in 2019. Supporters argue that relying on odor alone leads to unnecessary traffic stops and potential profiling, while opponents contend it could complicate enforcement against impaired driving.
The public hearing provides an opportunity for lawmakers, law enforcement, and the public to weigh in on the measure before it advances in the legislative process.
For the full text of House Bill 2585, click here.