New York Bill Would Require Cannabis Packaging to Include Industrial Hemp, Establish Sustainable Packaging Program

A new bill introduced in the New York Senate would require the use of industrial hemp in cannabis product packaging and establish a sustainable packaging incubator program.

Senate Bill 5750, sponsored by State Senator Michelle Hinchey (D), was filed on February 28 and referred to the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations. The measure would amend state cannabis laws by directing the Cannabis Control Board to incorporate industrial hemp into packaging and labeling requirements for marijuana and hemp products. The bill defines industrial hemp as any Cannabis sativa L. plant containing no more than 0.3% delta-9 THC on a dry-weight basis.

Additionally, the bill would create a sustainable cannabis packaging incubator program in coordination with the Empire State Development Corporation. The initiative would encourage the development of compostable and biodegradable cannabis packaging, with a requirement that at least 30% of such materials be derived from industrial hemp.

Participants in the program would be mandated to source hemp from small New York farms that meet specific agricultural qualifications.

If enacted, the legislation would take effect 120 days after being signed into law. For the full text of the bill, click here.

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