Ohio: $550 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold Across 6.9 Million Transactions Between August 7 and March 1

Since the launch of the state’s recreational marijuana market on August 7, the state has generated around $550 million in sales spread across 6.9 million transactions, as of March 1.

Between August and March, there were $361,994,872 in recreational marijuana sales in Ohio, in addition to $187,298,933 in medical marijuana sales, according to data released yesterday by the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control. Combined, total marijuana sales reached $549,293,805 over the nearly seven-month period. During this time, there were 4,906,093 recreational transactions and 1,991,352 medical transactions, for a total of 6,897,445.

The average price per gram of dried marijuana as of March 1 is $7 per gram and $19.81 per 1/10th of an ounce. Since Ohio began licensed medical marijuana sales in 2019, all-time sales are now at $2,467,303,615 across 23,227,243 transactions.

Ohio legalized recreational marijuana in 2023, with sales beginning in August 2024. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and 15 grams of concentrates. Medical marijuana patients may have a 90-day supply, which includes up to eight ounces of dried marijuana or 26.55 grams of concentrates.

Recreational purchases are subject to a 10% excise tax, along with Ohio’s 5.75% state sales tax and local taxes ranging from 0.25% to 2.25%. Medical marijuana patients are exempt from the excise tax and only pay the state sales tax.

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