DaVinci’s Renaissance: Reclaiming, and Innovating with the Release of the IQ3 Vaporizer

2024 has been an exceptional year for dry herb vaporizers, marked by the release of next-generation devices like the Storz & Bickel Venty and Solo 3, as well as the highly anticipated return of the Herbalizer.

This resurgence of high-quality releases brings a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of the golden era around 2016, when groundbreaking vaporizers reshaped the market.

DaVinci was another brand to introduce what became known as “smart vapes”—high-end portable herb vaporizers with Bluetooth connectivity and a host of enhanced features that made using these devices a refined experience, far superior to entry-level budget vaporizers.

Throughout its tenure, DaVinci has consistently released a range of high-quality vaporizers, each building upon the success of its predecessors. This journey culminated in their flagship product, the DaVinci IQ, which set a new standard for portable vaporizers. Following the IQ, DaVinci introduced further refined models, such as the IQ2 and IQC, each offering unique features and improvements to enhance the user experience.

In 2021, DaVinci was sold to Greenlane Holdings in a deal worth approximately $20 million. Initially, concerns about future innovations were not realized, but after a greater market downturn, it became apparent that R&D funds would not be available for DaVinci (now under Greenlane’s umbrella) to manufacture a successor to the DaVinci IQ2.

As stock of the IQ2 dwindled and support and accessories became scarce, it seemed as if DaVinci was destined to follow in the footsteps of Firefly—the chief innovators and original founders stepping away, with continuous declining sales of a legacy vaporizer that had little to no customer support or promise in a stagnant vaporizer market.

However, true to its name, DaVinci experienced a renaissance (meaning “rebirth” in Latin). The company was repurchased by the original founders, and the next-generation model, the DaVinci IQ3 Vaporizer, was put into development.

DaVinci has since released the new DaVinci IQ3 Vaporizer, a worthy successor to the IQ2. It offers significant upgrades such as a glass zirconia vapor path, an enlarged chamber for more herb and larger hits, and Cool Core™ Technology. You can read about all the features in the DaVinci IQ3 review.

The repurchase of DaVinci by its founders and the release of a brand-new vaporizer are strong signals that, while the vaporizer market may have been in decline—or at best stagnant—it is once again experiencing an uptick.

Herbal vaporizers are among the healthiest options for those who still enjoy the act of inhaling plant material but prefer not to use edibles or tinctures. With devices as well-built as the DaVinci IQ3, it’s no surprise that lifelong smokers are making the switch to healthier methods. It’s encouraging to see DaVinci continue to innovate its lineup to offer the cleanest and purest experience.

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