New Poll Finds 50% of Utah Voters Support Legalizing Recreational Marijuana, 88% Support Medical Marijuana

New polling reveals that half of Utah voters now back the full legalization of recreational marijuana.

Conducted by Noble Predictive Insights and funded by the Utah Patients Coalition, the survey found that 50% of voters in the state support legalizing recreational cannabis. An additional 38% of respondents favor medical cannabis only, while just 9% believe marijuana should remain illegal. Three percent were undecided.

The poll highlighted a generational divide in opinions on recreational cannabis. Support is highest among younger voters, with 60% of those under 40 backing legalization. Meanwhile, only 29% of voters over the age of 65 support it, with the majority favoring medical use. Middle-aged Utahns showed a near-even split, with 49% supporting recreational legalization.
Under current Utah law, possessing less than one ounce of marijuana, or any marijuana paraphernalia, is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail. Possessing over an ounce but no more than one pound is punishable by up to one year in jail.

The poll comes amid growing awareness of Utah’s medical cannabis program, which was established following the 2018 passage of Proposition 2. Despite the program’s success, cost remains a concern for patients, many of whom continue to purchase cannabis from out-of-state dispensaries or illicit sources due to high prices.

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