Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

Nevada: $936 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in 2023, Resulting in $124 Million in Tax Revenue

Legal marijuana sales in Nevada were not far from a billion dollars in 2023, with well over $100 million in marijuana tax revenue. According to data released by the Nevada Department of Taxation, there was $936,031,174 in marijuana sold through licensed marijuana retail outlets and dispensaries in 2023. These sales resulted in $124,415,555 in marijuana …

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Washington Lawmakers Approve Measure to Make Medical Marijuana Tax Free, Sending it to Governor Inslee

A legislative proposal “providing a tax exemption for medical cannabis patients” has been passed by Washington’s full legislature. By a vote of 82 to 14 in the House of Representatives and 36 to 13 in the Senate, House Bill 1453 has received final approval through the legislature and will soon be sent to Governor Jay …

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Tennessee Bill to Legalize Recreational Marijuana Scheduled for Committee Consideration March 12

Next week a Tennessee legislative committee will consider the Free All Cannabis for Tennesseans Act to legalize recreational marijuana. House Bill 85 was filed last month by State Representatives Bob Freeman and John Clemmons. Today, the measure was placed on the calendar for consideration on March 12 in the Criminal Justice Subcommittee. This is a …

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US House Passes Spending Bills That Protect Medical Marijuana States

The United States House of Representatives has past a $460 billion package of spending bills; included among them is a provision prohibiting the federal government from interfering with state-level medical marijuana laws. The House voted 339 to 85 to pass the package of bills, sending them to the Senate. Included in the portion of the …

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US Senate Majority Leader Says Marijuana Banking Bill Remains a Key Priority for Senate

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says the Senate will “work very hard” to pass the SAFER Banking Act prior to the November election. “We believe very strongly in so many things, and we are going to continue to work on the agenda that we put before us”, said Schumer at a recent press …

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Connecticut Joint Judiciary Committee Holds Public Hearing on Bill to Decrim Psilocybin

A joint committee in Connecticut’s Legislature held a public hearing today on legislation to decriminalize the personal possession of psilocybin mushrooms. The Joint Committee on Judiciary conducted a hearing today for House Bill 5297, which states that “Any person who possesses or has under such person’s control less than one-half ounce of psilocybin shall, for …

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National Animal Supplement Council Study Says for Dogs CBD Is “Safe For Long-Term Use”

A study funded by the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) has found that cannabidiol (CBD) is “safe for long-term use” in dogs. “The tolerability of different cannabinoids given orally to dogs was evaluated in a randomized, non-blinded, negative controlled, parallel design 90-day repeat dose study with a 14-day recovery period”, states the abstract of the …

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US Senate Seat From California to Shift to Pro-Marijuana Legalization if Adam Schiff Wins General Election, As Now Expected

Congressmember Adam Schiff had a conclusive victory in yesterday’s primary election, and is now poised for victory in November. In the race to replace the late Dianne Feinstein, Congressmember Adam Schiff is now the clear favorite after coming first in the primary with 33% support. Republican Steve Garvey beat out Congressmembers Katie Porter and Barbara …

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US House of Representatives: Federal Bill to Deschedule Marijuana Gains 87th Sponsor

A US House bill to deschedule marijuana and allow expungements has gained its 87 sponsor. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act would remove marijuana as a federal controlled substance, decriminalizing it nationwide. Yesterday, Congressmembers Steve Jorsford (D-NV)  joined as a sponsor for the MORE Act, bringing the total to 87. When the measure was …

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South Carolina: Senate-Approved Bill to Legalize Medical Marijuana Receives Committee Assignment in House

In South Carolina, legislation to legalize medical marijuana is under consideration by a key House Committee. Senate Bill 423 has been assigned to and is being considered by the House Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs, weeks after it was passed by the full Senate in a 26 to 17 vote. Filed by …

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