Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

FBI Data Shows There Was Over 225,000 Marijuana Arrests Nationwide Last Year

According to new data released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), marijuana arrests increased slightly last year. Despite recreational marijuana being legalized in 23 states and medical marijuana legalized in over a dozen more, marijuana arrests saw an uptick between 2021 and 2022. According to the FBI, there were 227,108 people arrested for a …

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Illinois Bill Would Remove Psilocybin as Schedule 1 Drug, Create Psilocybin Advisory Board

The Compassionate Use and Research of Entheogens Act has been filed in the Illinois Senate. Senate Bill 2612 was filed today by Senator Willie Preston, and it’s been sent to the Senate Assignments Committee. The proposed law would establish the Illinois Psilocybin Advisory Board within the Department of Public Health “for the purpose of advising …

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Wisconsin: Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed in Assembly, Companion Bill Already Filed in Senate

Just nine days after a bill to legalize marijuana was filed in the Wisconsin Senate, a companion bill has been filed in the state’s Assembly. Wisconsin Assembly Bill 506 was filed with 36 cosponsors, led by State Representative Darrin Madison. It has been assigned to the Committee on State Affairs. Companion bill SB 486 has …

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Ohio Senate President Threatens to Alter or Repeal Marijuana Legalization Initiative if Approved by Voters

In Ohio early voting is underway for an initiative to legalize marijuana, but despite the election being three weeks away Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman is already promising to ignore the will of his constituents. In recent comments on the Senate floor, Senate President Matt Huffman said that if voters approve Issue 2 on November …

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Oregon’s Two Leading Cannabis Trade Associations Announce Merger

In a landmark move meant to “fortify the foundation of Oregon’s cannabis industry”, the boards of the state’s leading cannabis trade associations—the Oregon Cannabis Association (OCA) and the Cannabis Industry Alliance of Oregon (CIAO)—have unanimously voted to merge, effective immediately. According to a press release, the merger “signifies a united front for the Oregon cannabis …

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Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) May Help Those With Psychological Distress From Childhood Trauma

According to a new study, “psilocybin therapy may be potentially acceptable and may feasibly help in supporting survivors of adverse childhood experiences with particularly strong benefits to those with more severe childhood adversity.” The study was conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Athabasca University, and University of Michigan, and …

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Poll: 57% of Likely Ohio Voters Plan to Vote Yes on Issue 2 to Legalize Marijuana

With early voting underway and less than three weeks to go until the November 7 election, a Baldwin Wallace University Ohio Pulse Poll shows strong support for a ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana. The BW Community Research Institute (BW CRI) survey asked Ohioans for their opinions on a variety of issues, including Issue …

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Legislation to Decriminalize Marijuana Filed in Florida Senate

Legislation to remove criminal penalties for the first three times someone is caught possessing marijuana for personal use has been filed in the Florida Legislature. Senator Shevrin Jones, a Democrat serving Florida’s 35th district, filed Senate Bill 94 earlier this month. Today it was assigned to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. Under current Florida law, …

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Missouri Marijuana Sales Reach $117 Million in September, $1 Billion Year-to-Date

Licensed marijuana retail outlets sold over $117 million in worth of products in September. The $117.8 million in marijuana and marijuana products sold in September is a modest decrease from the $119 million sold in August. This is according to data released by the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services. Although recreational marijuana sales …

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North Carolina Tribe Issues Hundreds of Medical Marijuana Cards, First in State History

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) in North Carolina have, for the first time, issued medical marijuana cards to qualifying patients. The EBCI has approved 817 of the 1,005 applications it received for those wanting to become legal medical marijuana patients on tribal land. Having a medical card will allow patients to purchase marijuana …

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