Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

Missouri: $121 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in April

According to data released by state officials, Missouri sold $91 million worth of recreational marijuana in April, in addition to $30.1 in medical marijuana sales. The $91 million sold in April is roughly on par with the $93 million sold in March, and is considerably higher than the $71 million sold in February, the first …

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Voters in Texas City Override Council Repeal of Marijuana Decriminalization

By literally one vote, voters in Harker Heights, Texas have approved an initiative to override their city council’s repeal of a voter-approved ordinance to decriminalize marijuana. Last November voters in Harker Heights, a city with a population of around 26,000, overwhelmingly passed an initiative (Proposition A) to decriminalize marijuana on the city level by a …

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Study: CBD Exhibits “Significant Therapeutic Potential” Against HIV-1 Infections, Neuroinflammation

The results of newly published research shows that “CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and exhibits significant therapeutic potential against HIV-1 infections and neuroinflammation.” Titled Anti-inflammatory effects of CBD in human microglial cell line infected with HIV-1, the study was published in the journal Scientific Reports. It was conducted by researchers at the Herbert Wertheim College of …

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Colorado Governor Sent Bill to Ban Denial of Professional Licenses Over Marijuana Use

The Colorado Legislature has sent legislation to Governor Jared Polis that prevents the Department of Regulatory Agencies from denying applications for professional licenses and certifications based solely on a civil or criminal judgement regarding the consumption, possession, cultivation, or processing of marijuana. Senate Bill 265 was sent to Governor Polis yesterday after being signed by …

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Report: 78% of Cannabis Consumers Say It Improves Their Mental Health, 63% Say it Makes Them More Social

A new Cannabis Consumer Report conducted by Drive Research has found that a strong majority of marijuana consumers say it positively impacts their mental health and overall happiness. According to the report, 78% of cannabis consumers say that consuming the plant has positive impacts on their mental health. The report also found that most users …

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Oregon Issues License to Nation’s First-Ever Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) Service Center

Psilocybin ("magic") mushrooms.

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has issued a license to the state’s and nation’s first-ever psilocybin service center as part of the regulatory framework created by the voter-approved Oregon Psilocybin Services Act. OHA’s issued the license to EPIC Healing Eugene, located at 3003 Willamette St. in Eugene. The issuance of the license comes a couple …

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California Marijuana Contest Seeking Judges

An annual marijuana competition hosted by High Times in Southern California is seeking cannabis experts to serve as judges for the contest. The High Times Cannabis Cup SoCal: People’s Choice Edition is inviting those 21 and older to join in as judges by purchasing a judges kit containing various marijuana strains and products in order …

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Study Finds CBD “is a Credible Candidate to Address Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disturbance”

The marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) is a credible candidate to address alcohol-induced sleep disturbances, according to a study published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism. The abstract of the study was published ahead online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine, and it was conducted by researchers at McMaster University and St. …

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Study: CBD Attenuates Periodontitis in Animal Model

A new study “demonstrated that CBD attenuates ligature-induced periodontitis”. Titled Cannabidiol attenuates periodontal inflammation through inhibiting TLR4/NF-κB pathway, the study was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Periodontal Research. It was conducted by researchers at Sichuan University and Yunnan Hempson Bio-Tech Co., both in China. “Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease involving soft and hard …

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New York Legislation Would Allow Licensed Marijuana Cultivators to Sell Directly to Consumers

Companions bills that would temporarily allow marijuana growers to sell directly to consumers was recently filed in the New York Assembly and Senate. The legislation would allow marijuana cultivators who are licensed with the state to temporarily sell marijuana on farm premises, directly to consumers. Proponents argue that this would allow farmers to recoup the …

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