Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Filed in Kentucky

At a press conference Representative Nima Kulkarni of Louisville announced that she has filed legislation that would legalize marijuana for everyone 21 and older. House Bill 47 is a constitutional amendment that would make it legal for those 21+ to possess up to an ounce of marijuana for any use they deem appropriate. It would …

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New York Lawmakers File Bill to Legalize Certain Psychedelics Including Magic Mushrooms

Lawmakers in New York have filed legislation to legalize certain psychedelics such as magic mushrooms. Bill A00114 would legalize the “possession, use, cultivation, production, creation, analysis, gifting, exchange, or sharing by or between natural persons of twenty-one years of age or older of a natural plant or fungus-based hallucinogen.” The measure has been -prefiled for …

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Study: Cannabidiol Shows “Promising Results for the Treatment of COVID-19”

The cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) “is showing promising results for the treatment of COVID-19”, according to a new study. Published in the journal Life, the study was conducted by researchers at the Universidad Santo Tomas and the Universidad de La Frontera, both in Chile, as well as the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil. “Cannabinoids, especially …

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Study: Feeding Goats Hemp Enhances the Health, Flavor Profile and Shelf-Stability of Their Meat

A new study published in the journal Meat Science has found that  feeding goats hempseed cake instead of soy results in significant improvements in the overall quality of the goat’s meat. For the study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Pretoria’s Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases and Stellenbosch University’s Department of Animal …

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Maryland Law Decriminalizing 1.5 Ounces of Marijuana Now in Effect

Possessing up to 1.5 ounces of marijuana is no longer punishable by jailtime in Maryland. In November voters gave approval to an initiative (Question 4) that legalizes the possession, use and licensed distribution of up to an ounce and a half of marijuana through a change in the state’s constitution. Although the full law doesn’t …

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Study: CBD Suppresses Cytokine Storm and Protects Against Cardiac and Renal Injury Associated with Sepsis

According to the results of a new study cannabidiol (CBD) “could be repurposed to reduce morbidity in patients with cytokine storm particularly in severe infections such as sepsis.” The study, titled Cannabidiol Suppresses Cytokine Storm and Protects Against Cardiac and Renal Injury Associated with Sepsis, is published in the most recent issue of the journal …

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Over 40,000 Marijuana Convictions Automatically Erased in Connecticut

As of today, January 1, over 40,000 convictions for marijuana possession have been automatically expunged (erased) from people’s records. “As of this morning, our administration has marked 42,964 cannabis convictions erased, as planned”, said Governor Ted Lamont in a public statement. “It’s one step forward in ending the War on Drugs and giving our citizens …

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U.S. Virgin Islands Senate Votes 11 to 1 to Legalize Marijuana Sending it to Supportive Governor

Lawmakers from the U.S. Virgin Islands have passed legislature to legalize marijuana. The legislation, filed by Senator Janelle Sarauw, was passed by the Senate in an overwhelming 11 to 1 vote. This sends the measure to Govenor Albert Bryan Jr., who has been a longtime proponent of legalizing marijuana and is expected to quickly sign …

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Cannabis Products Associated With Reductions in Depression Severity at 1, 3, and 6 Months

Cannabis-based medicinal products are associated with a significant reduction in depression severity over the course of a six month examination period. This is according to the findings of a study being published in the newest issue of the journal Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. The study was conducted by researchers at Kings College London, Imperial College …

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Study Finds CBD “Has a Strong Inhibitory Effect Against Cariogenic Bacteria”

A new International Journal of Molecular Sciences study has found that the cannabis compound cannabidiol “has a strong inhibitory effect against cariogenic bacteria”. Cariogenic bacteria is caused by biofilm-forming acidogenic bacteria that attacks dental enamel by converting sugar and starch into acids that dissolve out calcium from the enamel. This is one of the most …

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