Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

Louisiana Governor Signs Marijuana Expungement Bill Into Law, Goes Into Effect August 1

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has signed into law a bill that will allow for the quick expungement (removal from records) of convictions related to marijuana possession. House Bill 286 allows those with a misdemeanor conviction for marijuana possession to file a motion to expunge the charge 90 days following their conviction. First-time offenders would …

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Michigan Senate Votes to Allow Marijuana Agreements With Indian Tribes, Exempt Them From Taxes

Michigan’s full Senate has given approval to legislation that would allow the state to enter into agreements with Indian tribes while exempting them from the state’s marijuana excise tax. The Senate voted 29 to 9 to pass Senate Bill 180, filed by Republican Senator Roger Hauck along with six Democrat cosponsors. The proposal would “allow the …

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Study: Medical Cannabis Products Associated With “Clinically Significant Improvements in Anxiety”

The prescribed use of cannabis-based medicinal products for those with generalized anxiety disorder “is associated with clinically significant improvements in anxiety with an acceptable safety profile in a real-world setting.” This is according to a study published in the journal Psychopharmacology and epublished online by the National Institute of Health. The study was conducted by …

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Study: Prenatal Marijuana Exposure Not Associated With Neuropsychological Deficits at Age 10 and 20

According to a study published in the journal Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, infants exposed to marijuana in utero “did not perform worse on neuropsychological assessments than unexposed children at ages 10 and [again at ages] 19 to 20”. For the study researchers “evaluated the association between prenatal marijuana exposure (PME) and neuropsychological test scores in …

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Arkansas Judge Voids 27 Medical Marijuana Laws Passed by Legislature

A Pulaski County Circuit Court judge has nullified 27 different medical marijuana laws and regulations that were passed by the Arkansas General Assembly since 2017. Judge Morgan “Chip” Welch ruled that in passing the 27 laws that altered the state’s medical marijuana program, the legislature took unconstitutional actions that are not legally valid. Some of …

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Rhode Island Senate Committee Passes House-Approved Marijuana Advertising Bill

A key Senate committee in Rhode Island has given approval to legislation that would allow local marijuana businesses to advertise their products and services, something that is currently prohibited. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted yesterday to pass House Bill 5829, a little over a month after the House of Representatives passed it in a unanimous …

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Arizona: Record-Breaking $28 Million in Marijuana Taxes Made in May, $125 Million Year-to-Date

In May Arizona garnered over $28 million in tax revenue from the legal distribution of marijuana and marijuana products. In total Arizona made $28,423,424 in marijuana tax revenue in May. This marks the most marijuana tax revenue the state has made in a single month since the start of legal recreational marijuana sales in February, …

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New Mexico Legal Marijuana Industry Employs Nearly 5,000 People

According to a new report by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, despite marijuana only being legal since 2021, the marijuana industry already employs thousands of people in the state. The report found that as of the end of 2022, the state’s cannabis industry employed more than 4,600 workers, with 88% of those workers …

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Washington State to Vacate 350,000 Drug Possession Misdemeanors and Felonies

Washington State plans to vacate the charges of over 200,000 felony drug possession convictions dating back to the 1970s, with an additional 150,000 misdemeanor drug charges also potentially eligible. According to a press release by Washington Courts, the landmark State vs Blake decision issued on February 25, 2021 by the Washington Supreme Court, ruled that the …

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Illinois Governor Signs Bill Allowing Marijuana Businesses to Take State Tax Deductions

Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker has signed into law legislation that will allow marijuana businesses that are legal under state law to take standard state-level tax deductions. Filed by State Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth, House Bill 3817 is cosponsored by 19 other legislators. The measure passed the Senate 36 to 20, and passed the House of …

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