Anthony Martinelli

Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].

Author's posts

Report: Global Legal Marijuana Market Valued At $13 Billion, Expected to Grow to $66 Billion by 2030

The market for legal cannabis has a global value of over $13 billion, and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, according to a new report. The Global Cannabis Market Report, conducted by the research firm Contrive Datum Insights, found that as of the end of 2022 the global legal cannabis market is …

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Arkansas Legislation Would Codify Gun Rights for Medical Marijuana Users

Legislation filed today by Arkansas State Representative Aaron Pilkington would protect medical marijuana patients from being denied access to firearms or concealed carry licenses. The proposal would amend the state’s concealed carry license law to clarify that the Director of the Division of Arkansas State Police “shall not consider a person’s status as a qualifying …

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Bill Allowing Telehealth for Medical Marijuana Renewals Approved by Florida Senate Committee

A Senate bill that would allow physicians to renew patients medical marijuana cards via telehealth options has been passed unanimously by a Senate committee. A companion bill has already been passed by two House committees. The Senate Health Policy Committee voted unanimously today, 12 to 0, to pass Senate Bill 344, the companion bill to …

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Washington Legislature Approves Bill to Protect Marijuana Users When Seeking Employment

Washington State’s House of Representatives approved legislation tonight that would place a ban on businesses refusing to hire a potential employee for testing positive for marijuana. Although Washington was one of the first two states to legalize marijuana in 2012, employers up until this point have been able to refuse employment based on off-the-job recreational …

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Kentucky Senate-Approved Medical Marijuana Bill to Receive House Vote on Final Day of Session

Legislation that would legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky has been assigned a hearing tomorrow, March 30 (1pm), the last day of the legislative session. Senate Bill 47 would be able to receive a vote by the full House of Representatives if it’s approved tomorrow in the House Licensing and Occupations Committee, something proponents of the …

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Bill to Clarify Marijuana Use by Parents is Not Child Neglect Passed by Maryland Senate

A bill that would clarify under law that the use of marijuana by a parent or legal guardian does not constitute child neglect has been passed by Maryland’s full Senate. Senate Bill 653 was passed by the Maryland Senate by a vote of 34 to 11, moving it to the House Judiciary Committee. The proposed …

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Maryland House Passes Bill Banning Police from Using Smell of Marijuana to Detain or Conduct Searches

Maryland’s full House of Delegates has passed legislation that would prohibit police from using the smell of marijuana as reasonable suspicion or probable cause in order to detain an individual, while also reducing the fines associated with smoking marijuana in public. House Bill 1071 was filed by Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield along with a massive list …

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Alberta Commission Alters Rules Regarding Producers Giving Marijuana Samples

The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission (AGLC) has released a bulletin announcing a change in rules that allows licensed marijuana producers to give samples to stores and their representatives. “This bulletin is to advise all registered cannabis representatives and retail cannabis store licensees of important amendments to the Cannabis Representative Handbook (CRH) and the Retail Cannabis …

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Montana Committee Votes in Favor of Redirecting Marijuana Tax Revenue

The House Appropriations Committee voted 15 to 8 today to approve a large overhaul of how tax revenue from legal marijuana sales is handled. Montana House Bill 669 was filed by State Representative Bill Mercer. It would move marijuana tax revenues out of programs dedicated to wildlife habitat, state parks, trails and recreational facilities and …

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After Approving Bill to Legalize Marijuana Possession, Delaware Senate Votes to Legalize Sales

Shortly after Delaware’s Senate voted to pass a bill to legalize marijuana possession, they passed a separate bill to establish a legal marijuana industry. House Bill 2 was passed by the Senate in a 15 to 5 vote, a little less than an hour and a half after the chamber approved House Bill 1 by …

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