Category: Miscellaneous

The 3 States On Track to Place Medical Marijuana Initiatives On This November’s Ballot

Voters in two states are set to decide on recreational marijuana initiatives this November, while three additional states are on track to consider measures related to medical marijuana. Of the 12 states that currently do not allow medical marijuana, Nebraska and Idaho are poised to have its voters consider legalizing it this November. Meanwhile, Arkansas …

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President Biden and Vice President Harris Are Set to Make Marijuana a Big Issue This Election

President Biden and Vice President Harris have ramped up their support for marijuana law reform in recent weeks and months, and it appears unlikely they’ll slow down as we get closer to the November election. Although former President Trump did not go after legal marijuana states  —choosing to take a hands-off approach—his administration took no …

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The 3 States On Track to Legalize Marijuana in 2025

While a handful of states still have a legitimate chance to legalize marijuana this year, others are unlikely to do so this year but are on track to see significant movement toward legalization in 2025. There are current two states set to have initiatives to legalize marijuana on this November’s ballot, with at least two …

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38 States Have Legalized Medical Marijuana: An In-Depth Breakdown

At the time of publication, 38 states—76% of the entire nation—have legalized medical marijuana. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996. Less than 30 years later and 37 other states have followed suit, in addition to a handful of other states that have legalized low-THC marijuana oil. Below is a breakdown …

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These Two States Are Set to Vote On Initiatives to Legalize Recreational Marijuana This November

Voters in two states are set to have an opportunity to legalize recreational marijuana this November. While advocates are working on marijuana legalization initiatives in several states, only two are set to appear on the November ballot. Other statewide efforts are expected to reach ballots in 2025 or later. That said, here are the two …

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US Congress: With 152, Marijuana Banking Act Has More Sponsors Than Any Marijuana Bill Ever

Bicameral and bipartisan legislation to allow marijuana banking now has over 150 sponsors, well more than any other marijuana-related bill filed in the US Congress. In the United States House of Representatives, the SAFE Banking Act has 116 sponsors, 106 more than when it was filed in April, 2023. In the Senate, the Safer Banking …

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4/20, 2024: Top 5 Developments in Marijuana Law Reform Since the Previous 4/20

It’s officially 4/20, a day celebrated by many marijuana consumers and activists. Since the previous 4/20, there’s been some significant advancements in marijuana law reform at both the state and federal levels. Here’s a list of the top five developments in marijuana law reform since the previous 4/20. Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana On May 27, …

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Jimmy John’s Selling Dime Bags for 4/20 At All 2,600+ Nationwide Locations

Jimmy John’s, a popular sandwich chain with a national footprint of over 2,600 stores, is celebrating 4/20 in a unique way. The franchise says they’re offering a “Deliciously Dope Dime Bag” deal for just $10 at all of their over 2,600 locations across the United States. The deal includes a regular sized sub, chips, and …

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Oregon: Average Price Per Gram of Legal Marijuana Has Remained Below $4 for a Full Year, 62% Lower Than In 2016

The average price of legal marijuana has remained below $4 per gram for 12 straight months. When legal recreational marijuana sales began in Oregon in October, 2016, the average price per gram was $10.50, while the average price per gram of marijuana concentrates was $40.17. By March, 2023, those prices dropped to $3.92 per gram …

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A Look at All 15 Marijuana-Related Bills Currently Active in US Congress

Here’s a look at every marijuana-related bill currently alive in the United States Congress. Based on the rules of the US Congress, any marijuana-related bill filed prior to January, 2023 is no longer active, although lawmakers do have the opportunity to refile bills if they so choose. Currently there are 15 active marijuana-related bills, with …

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