Category: News

Study: “Psilocybin Appears as a Valuable Treatment for OCD”

A recent study published in Pharmacological Reports by researchers at the Medical University of Warsaw suggests that psilocybin may offer significant benefits in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is a chronic mental health condition that affects approximately 2% of the population, characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that can severely …

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UC San Diego Seeking Participants for Five Marijuana Clinical Trials

The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is currently seeking participants for five clinical trials focused on marijuana and its potential therapeutic benefits. These studies are part of the university’s ongoing efforts to explore the medical applications of marijuana, which is becoming increasingly relevant as more states legalize its use for both recreational and medicinal …

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Trump Says He “Agrees a Lot More” with Marijuana Legalization as More States Legalize

Former President Donald Trump, the current Republican nominee for president, is beginning to “agree a lot more” that marijuana should be legalized. “As we legalize it, I start to agree a lot more because, you know, it’s being legalized all over the country,” said Trump at a press conference held today. “Florida has something coming …

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Study of Nearly 10 Million People Finds Marijuana Linked to Improved Outcomes for Heart Attack Patients, Reduced In-Hospital Mortality

According to a study published in the Archives of Medical Sciences: Atherosclerotic Disease, heart attack patients with a history of marijuana use have a lower in-hospital mortality rate compared to those without a history of use. For the study, researchers from various institutions, including the Detroit Medical Center-Wayne State University and the Royal Devon University …

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Maine: July Breaks Monthly Marijuana Sales Record With $22.8 Million Spent Across 424,941 Transactions

Marijuana sales in Maine reached a new monthly record in July, with a total of $22,861,337 in sales across 424,941 transactions. This surpasses the previous month’s total and sets a new benchmark for the state’s cannabis industry, topping the previous record of $21.7 million sold in August 2023. According to the Maine Office of Cannabis …

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July is a Record-Breaking Month for Marijuana Sales in Montana

In July, there was more legal marijuana sold in Montana than any previous month. There was $28,717,104 worth of marijuana sold legally July, according to data compiled and released by the Montana Department of Revenue. This breaks the single-month record of $28,697,312 set in August 2023. $24,899,839 of the total marijuana sales in July were …

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Study: THC May Mitigate High-Fructose Diet Damage in Small Intestine

According to a new study being published in the upcoming issue of the journal Histochemistry and Cell Biology, researchers have found that THC may counteract the damaging effects of a high-fructose diet on the small intestine. The study, available online ahead of print on the website for the US National Library of Medicine, was conducted …

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Federal Legislation to Deschedule Marijuana and Respect States’ Rights Sponsored by Lawmakers From 33 States

Lawmakers from 33 different states are now sponsoring federal legislation to deschedule marijuana, and to respect state marijuana laws. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, filed in April 2023 in the US House of Representatives, now has 94 sponsors, while the Senate’s Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA) has 18 sponsors. The MORE …

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Massachusetts Voters Have Opportunity to Legalize Psychedelics via Question 4 This November

With the election less than three months away, it won’t be long before Massachusetts voters will have the opportunity to make their state just the third to legalize certain psychedelics such as psilocybin. Question 4, put forth by the nonprofit Massachusetts for Mental Health Options (MMHO), would legalize the possession and personal cultivation of up to …

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Psilocybin Shows Promise as Potential Alzheimer’s Treatment, Study Finds

A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience explores the potential of psilocybin as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. “Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stands as a formidable neurodegenerative ailment and a prominent contributor to dementia”, states the study, conducted by researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Binzhou Medical University Hospital. “The …

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