Category: News

Here’s Every US Lawmaker Supporting Federal Legislation to Decriminalize and Deschedule Marijuana

Below is a list of all 111 lawmakers in the United States Congress who are currently sponsoring legislation to deschedule marijuana. In the US House of Representatives, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, first introduced in April 2023, currently has 93 sponsors. In the Senate, the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), filed …

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Ohio Issues First Recreational Marijuana Business Licenses, Sales to Begin Soon

Today, the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control (DCC) issued the first batch of dual-use certificates to four marijuana cultivators and six processors. The DCC granted the initial dual-use certificates this morning, allowing the recipients to operate in both the medical and adult-use markets. This move is the first step in what is expected to be …

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California Governor Signs Psychedelics and Marijuana Bill Into Law

Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2841 into law on Thursday, a measure that would streamline the application process for studying psychedelics and marijuana The new law allows the Research Advisory Panel to hold closed sessions to discuss sensitive and confidential information. The bill, which passed the Assembly earlier this month by a unanimous 72-0 …

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These 4 States Will Consider Whether or Not to Legalize Marijuana in November

We are now just three and a half months away from the November presidential election, during which four states will vote on initiatives to legalize marijuana. There are five statewide initiatives on the ballot this November. Four of the five either focus on recreational marijuana legalization or include a trigger for it. Nebraska is the …

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Study Finds CBD Cream Reduces UVA-Induced Skin Damage

A new study being published in the upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology and online ahead of print by the National Library of Medicine suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) cream may significantly reduce skin damage caused by Ultraviolet-A (UVA) radiation. The study was conducted by scientists George Washington University (DC), the …

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President Biden on the Verge of Stepping Down: Why Kamala Harris Replacing Him is Good for Marijuana Reform

According to multiple reports citing sources close to President Biden, he is considering stepping down following weeks of rejecting calls from within his own party to do so. Despite not supporting legalization, President Biden has been the most consequential president in modern history for federal marijuana reform. His actions include pardoning thousands of federal marijuana …

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US Senate Committee Schedules Vote on DOOBIE Act to Prevent Denial of Jobs and Security Clearances Over Marijuana Use

The U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will vote Wednesday on the DOOBIE Act, which would “limit the consideration of marijuana use when making an employment suitability or security clearance determination” U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, recently introduced the Dismantling Outdated Obstacles and Barriers to Individual …

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Delaware Governor Signs Bill Allowing Recreational Marijuana Sales to Begin in December

Delaware Governor John Carney has signed into law legislation to allow medical marijuana dispensaries to begin selling recreational marijuana this year, months ahead of schedule. Governor Carney signed House Bill 408 into law yesterday, weeks after it passed the House of Representatives, 29 to 11, and the Senate, 16 to 5. Sponsored by State Representative …

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Democratic National Committee Says “No One Should be in Jail” for Marijuana, Endorses Expungements

Today, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) released a draft of the 2024 Democratic Party Platform, featuring both the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration and a “bold, progressive agenda for the next four years for President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats to finish the job.” The Platform focuses on priorities for Democrats up and down …

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Study Finds Marijuana May Reduce Gastrointestinal Symptoms

A new study has found that marijuana significantly reduces the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms in patients. The study, titled Relief in Gastrointestinal Symptoms with Medical Marijuana Over 1 Year, was published in the journal Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, and it was published online by the US National Library of Medicine. Researchers say this “is the …

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