Category: News

California State Fair, July 12-28, Will Feature Onsite Marijuana Sales, 30,000 Square Feet Consumption Lounge

The California State Fair begins Friday, July 12, and runs until July 28. This year, for the first time, the fair will include onsite marijuana sales and consumption, along with expanded marijuana competitions. In 2022, the California State Fair introduced an educational cannabis exhibit, as well as marijuana competitions similar to competitions the fair holds …

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Connecticut: $24 Million Worth of Legal Marijuana Sold in June, $150 Million in First Half of 2024

In Connecticut, around $24 million worth of legal marijuana and marijuana products were sold in June, continuing strong sales trends. According to data released by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, $16,267,583 in recreational marijuana was sold via licensed retail outlets in June. Additionally, $7,656,831 in medical marijuana was sold, combining for a total of …

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Study: Psilocybin May Help Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

A recent study has shown promising results for the use of psilocybin in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a highly prevalent disorder that causes serious disability, notes the study’s researchers. “Available treatments leave 40% or more of people with OCD significantly symptomatic”, leaving “an urgent need for novel therapeutic approaches.” For …

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Marijuana Shows Promise in Treating Tourette Syndrome, Study Finds

According to a recently published study, marijuana-based treatments could be beneficial for managing symptoms of Tourette syndrome. The study, titled Efficacy of Cannabis-Based Medicine in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, was published online in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine. …

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US House: Republican-Led Committee Directs Biden Administration to Explain Marijuana Rescheduling Decision

The House Appropriations Committee has released a report directing the Department of Health and Human Services to explain their decision to recommend marijuana be moved to Schedule III. Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee approved the 2025 appropriations bill for Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, which includes language that would block the Biden Administration’s effort …

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Study: Legalizing Marijuana “Results in a Substantial Decrease in Rates of Intimate Partner Violence”

A recent study from Georgetown University has found that the legalization of recreational marijuana is associated with a significant decrease in intimate partner violence (IPV). Published by a researcher at Georgetown University, the study titled The Impact of Recreational Marijuana Legalization on Intimate Partner Violence utilizes data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) covering …

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Washington Initiative to Legalize Psychedelics Receives Approval for Signature Gathering

Washington State is advancing a new measure that seeks to legalize the personal use of several psychedelic substances, including psilocybin, psilocin, mescaline, and DMT. Spearheaded by the Responsible Entheogen Access and Community Healing Coalition (REACH WA), the initiative, now known as Initiative 2076, recently received its official ballot title and summary from the state’s secretary …

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Legislation in U.S. Congress to Decriminalize Marijuana Gains 111 Sponsors, with President Biden Supporting Decriminalization

In the U.S. Congress, bicameral legislation to decriminalize marijuana now has 111 sponsors. Although President Biden has not given a position on these measures, his press secretary says it’s “very, very clear” he support the decriminalization of marijuana. In May, a coalition of 18 United States senators filed the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA) …

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Study Finds CBD Significantly Reduces Pain in Veterans

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of North Dakota and the Veteran Health Administration has revealed promising results regarding the use of cannabidiol (CBD) among veterans experiencing chronic pain. Published in the Journal of Addictive Diseases, the study highlights the potential benefits of CBD, despite federal restrictions and VA policies prohibiting its …

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US House Committee Passes Bill to Block Marijuana Rescheduling

A key committee in the US House of Representatives has given approval to a spending bill that includes a provision to prevent the rescheduling of marijuana. The House Appropriations Committee gave approval today to the 2025 appropriations bill for Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies. The proposal includes language that would block the Justice Department …

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