Category: News

Missouri Bill Would Require Public Colleges and Universities to Allow Medical Marijuana Use

Legislation filed in Missouri would require colleges and universities that receive public funding to allow medical marijuana use on campus grounds. House Bill 687 was filed by State Representative Adrian Plank in January. Yesterday it finally received a committee assignment: it’s been assigned to the House Higher Education Committee. “Each public institution of higher education …

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$8.4 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in April in Rhode Island

There was $8.4 million in legal marijuana sold in Rhode Island in April. According to data released by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations there was a total of $8,421,924.28 in marijuana and marijuana products (such as edibles, topicals and concentrates) sold in April. In April there was $5,392,693.68 in recreational marijuana sold, which …

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Michigan: $245 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in April, Sales to Date Top $6 Billion

In Michigan there was $245 million in legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in April. The $246,054,243 sold in April is a slight decrease from the $249 million sold in March, which remains the monthly record. Of the $246 million sold, just $7,842,858 was medical marijuana, with the remaining $238,211,384 coming from the legal distribution …

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Ohio Bill Would Amend DUI Laws for Marijuana

A legislative proposal filed by Ohio Senator Nathan Manning would remove the per se marijuana limit on those operating motor vehicles and would replace it with an evidentiary standard. Under Ohio’s current per se driving laws, a person is automatically found guilty of operating a vehicle impaired if they have even a trace amount of …

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Vermont Senate Passes House-Approved Medical Marijuana Reform Bill

A Vermont bill that would make several changes to the state’s medical marijuana law has been passed by the state’s full Senate. House Bill 270 passed the full Senate today, having already been approved by the full House of Representatives. However, amendments made in the Senate will require the House to take one final vote …

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Connecticut House Approves Bill to Decriminalize Psilocybin

Connecticut’s House of Representatives has approved legislation that would decriminalize the personal possession of psilocybin (the hallucinogenic compound in magic mushrooms). Connecticut’s House of Representatives voted 86 to 64 to pass House Bill 6734, which would remove the criminal penalties associated with possessing up to a half ounce of psilocybin or magic mushrooms. Under the …

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Newly Filed New York Bill Would Repeal the Excise Tax on Medical Cannabis

Legislation filed today in the New York Legislature would repeal the state’s excise tax on medical marijuana sales. Assembly Bill 7014 was filed today by Assemblymember Crystal Peoples-Stokes, a longtime proponent of reforming marijuana laws. The measure has been assigned directly to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Under current New York tax code, medical …

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In Connecticut Over $21 Million in Legal Marijuana Was Sold in April

In April legal marijuana sales in Connecticut surpassed $21 million. In April, the third month of legal recreational marijuana sales, there was $21,626,987 in marijuana and marijuana products sold in Connecticut. $11.4 million of this amount came from the legal distribution of medical marijuana, with the remaining $10.2 million coming from recreational marijuana sales. The …

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NY Committee Votes to Expand Definition of Crops and Livestock to Include Cannabis.

A New York bill that would expand the legal definition of crops, livestock and livestock products to include cannabis has been passed unanimously by two separate Senate committees. Filed by Senator Michelle Hinchey along with two cosponsors, the measure was passed by the Senate Agriculture Committee in January, 9 to 0. After three and a …

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Florida: Enough Signatures Collected to Put Marijuana Legalization to a Vote in 2024

An initiative campaign to put marijuana legalization on the November, 2024 ballot in Florida has collected more than the 891,523 valid signatured required to do so. As of the end of April the Smart & Safe Florida campaign had submitted 841,130 valid signatures, just 50k signatures short of the 891,523 required to put their proposal …

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