Category: News

Alabama Judge Temporarily Blocks Licenses for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

A judge has placed a temporary hold preventing Alabama officials from issuing licenses to medical marijuana dispensaries. Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Anderson on Thursday issued a temporary restraining order legally preventing the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission from issuing licenses medical marijuana companies. The licenses will remain on hold until the judge has a chance …

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US House Bill to Protect State Marijuana Laws and Allow Interstate Commerce Gets New Committee Assignment

The Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act has received a new subcommittee assignment. Earlier this month a bipartisan group of lawmakers refiled the STATES Act, a bill that would explicitly allow states to legalize marijuana without fear of federal repercussions, while also allowing interstate commerce between legal marijuana states. The measure would …

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New York Bill Would Prohibit Some Marijuana Stores From Opening Until One Hour After Schools Start

Newly filed legislation would make it so that no marijuana store could open “until one hour after the latest beginning of a school day of any school located within one mile of such adult-use dispensing facility”. Assembly Bill 8472 was filed today by Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs, and swiftly assigned to the Economic Development Committee. “No …

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Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Removes Marijuana as Banned Substance

UFC today announced details of the new UFC Anti-Doping Policy (UFC ADP), which will be in effect for all UFC athletes starting this Sunday, December 31. As part of the new policy, marijuana and marijuana-related compounds such as CBD and THC will be removed entirely as banned substances. “UFC’s goal for the Anti-Doping Policy is to …

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Nevada: On January 1 Marijuana Possession Limit Increases By 150%

Nevada legislation signed into law earlier this year will drastically increase the possession limit for legal marijuana and marijuana concentrates once it takes effect in just four days. Senate Bill 277 was signed into law in June after passing the Assembly 28 to 14, and the Senate 14 to 6. The new law, which officially …

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NORML Announces Their 2023 Top Ten Events In Marijuana Policy

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has released their list of the top 10 events in marijuana policy for 2023. Founded in 1970, NORML is both the oldest and one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the world working towards reforming marijuana laws. Each year they release their list of the …

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Federal Marijuana Banking Act Now Sponsored by 35 of 100 US Senators

35% of the entire United States Senate is sponsoring the SAFER Banking Act. The SAFER Banking Act (S.2860) would provide explicit federal protections to banks and other financial institutions that decide to provide services to marijuana businesses that are legal under their state’s law. This includes allowing banks to provide debit card services, business loans …

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Massachusetts: $145 Million in Marijuana Sold in November, $1.5 Billion Year-to-Date

In Massachusetts there was slightly over $145 million in legal marijuana sold in November. According to data compiled and released by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, there was $145.8 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products purchased through legal means in November. $128.5 million of this was sold to recreational consumers, with $17.3 million sold …

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Top 10 Marijuana Studies of 2023

Following the trend of recent years, 2023 was huge for marijuana research. There was over 4,000 marijuana-related studies published in 2023 alone. At The Marijuana Herald, we reported on nearly 200 of them. With so many studies, it was quite a challenge to narrow it down to the top 10 most important and impactful, but …

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US House Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana Nationwide Has 15 Times More Sponsors Than Stop Pot Act

Competing measures in the US House of Representatives give a clear indication of how much more support nationwide marijuana decriminalization has compared to an effort to thwart state marijuana laws. The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act would fully decriminalize marijuana nationwide by removing marijuana as a controlled substance, while also allowing past marijuana possession …

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