A strong majority of likely voters in Virginia favor legalizing marijuana, according to new polling. The new Christopher Newport University survey found that 60% of Virginia voters support legalizing the licensed retail distribution of marijuana for those 21 and older. “It comes as no surprise that a majority of Virginians support legalizing the sale of …
Category: News
Jan 27 2023
Virginia Senate Subcommittee Approves Bill to Lower Scheduling of Magic Mushrooms, Create Advisory Board
Legislation to lower the scheduling of magic mushrooms and to create a state Advisory Board for the psychedelic has been passed out of its initial committee. Introduced by State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, the measure would establish a statewide psilocybin advisory board and would adjust the psychedelic to be a lower schedule under state law, from …
Jan 26 2023
Study: Long-Term Marijuana Inhalation Does Not Impair Lung Function
According to a new study published in the journal Respiratory Medicine the long-term inhalation of marijuana smoke does not impact lung function. For the study Australian researchers examined “whether cigarette smoking or cannabis use and co-use are each associated with lung function in a population sample of young adults.” The data used by researchers is …
Jan 26 2023
Study Examining 63 Million Medicare Recipients Finds Marijuana Legalization Does Not Increase Psychosis Diagnoses
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open has found that “states with legalization policies experienced no statistically significant increase in rates of psychosis-related diagnoses”. As noted by the study’s authors, psychosis is a hypothesized consequence of cannabis use. Legalizing cannabis “could therefore be associated with an increase …
Jan 25 2023
Medical Marijuana Sales Begin in Mississippi
Licensed medical dispensaries in Mississippi began selling marijuana and marijuana products today to qualified patients. In February of last year state lawmakers passed a law regulating the medical marijuana industry, which came roughly 15 months after an initiative to legalize medical marijuana was passed by voters and subsequently struck down by the courts. Nearly a …
Jan 24 2023
Minnesota Marijuana Legalization Bill Given Approval by Third House Committee
Minnesota’s House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee has voted to pass legislation to legalize marijuana. Passage of measure through this third committee comes less than two weeks after it passed its first committee – the House Commerce, Finance and Policy Committee – and less than a week after its passage through the …
Jan 24 2023
Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed in Iowa Senate
Legislation to legalize marijuana has been filed in Iowa’s Senate. Senate File 73 was filed by Senator Janet Peterson along with a coalition of 12 other lawmakers. It has been assigned to a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. If passed into law Senate File 73 would legalize marijuana possession, manufacturing, delivery, and retail sale of marijuana for …
Jan 23 2023
Study Finds Current and Past Marijuana Use Not Associated With Increased Hypertension Risk
In a study that will come as little surprise to cannabis consumers but nevertheless is an important clarification, researchers found that marijuana use is not associated with an increase in the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). Conducted by researchers at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the University of Missouri and the Donald and …
Jan 20 2023
Systematic Review: Medical Marijuana Reduces the Length and Frequency of Migraine Headaches
The use of medical marijuana “has a significant clinical response by reducing the length and frequency of migraines”, according to a systematic review published in The Cureus Journal of Medical Science. Conducted by researchers at the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology, the study is titled Efficacy and Safety of Medical Marijuana in Migraine …
Jan 19 2023
Public Hearings Scheduled for Two Marijuana Legalization Bills in New Hampshire Legislature
Two different legislative proposals that would legalize marijuana have both received public hearing dates in the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee. House Bill 639 has been scheduled for a public hearing in the committee on January 25th at 1:15pm at Legislative Office Building 302-304. House Bill 544 is scheduled at practically the same time, …