Category: Studies

Study: Treatment With Cannabinoids “Resulted in Decreased Clinical Markers of Inflammation”

In a new study “treatment with cannabinoids resulted in decreased clinical markers of inflammation”, with the anti-inflammatory effect of CBC and CBD in conjunction “associated with a greater anti-inflammatory effect than either minor cannabinoid alone.” The study was published in the journal Annals of Plastic Surgery, and is titled The Mechanism of Cannabichromene and Cannabidiol …

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Study: Medical Cannabis Products Associated With “Clinically Significant Improvements in Anxiety”

The prescribed use of cannabis-based medicinal products for those with generalized anxiety disorder “is associated with clinically significant improvements in anxiety with an acceptable safety profile in a real-world setting.” This is according to a study published in the journal Psychopharmacology and epublished online by the National Institute of Health. The study was conducted by …

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Study: CBD Shows Potential as an “Abortive Agent for Treating Migraine Attacks”

According to newly published research the marijuana compound cannabidiol “shows potential as an abortive agent for treating migraine attacks and headache-related conditions such as spontaneous pain and anxiety”. The study is published in the peer-reviewed journal Pain, and it’s conducted by researchers at Florida Atlantic University, the Medical University of Lublin in Poland, and the …

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Study: Marijuana Use Lower Among Youth in ZIP Codes with Marijuana Dispensaries

According to a new study marijuana use “was significantly lower among 10th and 12th graders living in a  ZIP code with a marijuana dispensary.” The study, titled Adolescent Cannabis Use Among Youth in ZIP Codes with Medical Dispensaries, was published by the journal Cannabis and epublished by the US National Library of Medicine. It was conducted by …

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Study: Alcohol Associated with Fewer Negative Consequences in Legal Marijuana States

A study published in the recent issue of the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse has found that twins who reside in legal marijuana states are less likely to experience negative consequences from drinking alcohol as compared to their co-twins who live in jurisdictions where marijuana is illegal. “As more states pass recreational cannabis …

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Study Finds CBD Tincture Effective in Treating Dementia Symptoms Over 6-Month Period

According to a new study published in the journal Clinical Gerontologist, the use of CBD tincture is associated with symptom improvements in those with Dementia. The study was conducted by researchers at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, and the University of Ioannina, all in Greece. The …

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Study Finds CBD Treatment Can Enhance Social Interactions in Animal Model of Autism

Acute treatment with as little as 10 mg/kg of purified CBD “can enhance social interaction preference in male mice that are otherwise socially deficient”, according to a new study that could have important implications for humans and open the door for future research. The study is available in the recent issue of the journal Advances …

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Study: Marijuana Use Associated With Lower Risk of Liver Steatosis (aka Fatty Liver Disease)

According to a new study published by the journal PLOS One, adults with a history of marijuana use are less likely than non-users to be diagnosed with liver steatosis (aka fatty liver disease). The study “aimed to assess the association between marijuana use and liver steatosis and fibrosis in the general United States population utilizing …

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Study: Low-Dose CBD as Effective as Melatonin in Improving Sleep

The daily use just 15mgs of CB improves sleep quality in patients with a history of sleep disturbances, according to a clinical trial published in the Journal of the American Nutrition Association. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the University of California LA and …

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Triple-Bind, Placebo Controlled Study Finds CBD Lowers Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension

According to a new clinical trial “chronic administration of CBD reduces ambulatory blood pressure in those with untreated and treated hypertension”. The study was published in the recent issue of the peer-reviewed journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, and it was published online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine. “Recent data indicate …

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