Category: Studies

Cannabidiol (CBD) Demonstrates Antimicrobial Activity Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Finds Study

The marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) showed strong antimicrobial effects in a newly published study. The study will be published in the upcoming issue of the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, with the abstract published online ahead of print by the US National Library of Medicine. The study is titled Antimicrobial Effect of Cannabidiol on Intracellular …

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Study Finds CBD May Be Useful in Mitigating Stress in Canines, Particularly During Car Travel

According to a new study the use of cannabidiol (CBD) may be effective in mitigating stress in dogs who have to routinely travel via motor vehicle. The study, titled Daily dosing of cannabidiol (CBD) demonstrates a positive effect on measures of stress in dogs during repeated exposure to car travel, was published in the Journal …

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Study: Combining Opioids With Marijuana Can Reduce Opioid Dosage and Mitigate Opioid Toxicity in Hospice Patients

Combination medical marijuana and opioid therapy “showed statistically significant pain relief and may have the potential for reducing opioid dose and mitigating opioid toxicity”, states a new study. The study is being published in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, with the abstract published online ahead of print by the US National Library …

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Study: Ibogaine “Effectively Treats Traumatic Brain Injury in Special Ops Military Vets

Researchers at Stanford Medicine have found that ibogaine, a plant-based psychoactive compound, “safely led to improvements in depression, anxiety and functioning among veterans with traumatic brain injuries.” According to a Stanford press release, “researchers have discovered that the plant-based psychoactive drug ibogaine, when combined with magnesium to protect the heart, safely and effectively reduces PTSD, …

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Study of Twins Finds Lifetime Marijuana Use Not Linked to Negative Mental Health or Psychosocial Outcomes

According to a new study published in the Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, the use of marijuana over several decades is not associated with a significantly elevated risk of either psychiatric disorders, cognitive decline, or other adverse psychosocial outcomes. For the study researchers at the University of Minnesota and the University of Colorado examined …

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Study: Colleges See Increase in Applications Following State Marijuana Legalization

When a state legalizes marijuana, colleges in that state see a large increase in applicants, according to a recently published study. The study was conducted by researchers at Oxford College and the University of South Carolina, and it published in the peer-reviewed journal Contemporary Economic Policy with the title Higher education: The impact of recreational …

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Study: CBD May Be a Therapeutic Option for Combatting Nicotine Addiction

A new study has found that the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) may be a potential option for combatting nicotine addiction. The study was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, and it was conducted by researchers at the University of California Irvine and Virginia Commonwealth University. The study is titled Cannabidiol as a potential cessation …

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Study: Marijuana Legalization Not Associated With Increases in Psychotic Disorders or Health Service Use

Legalizing marijuana is “not associated with an increase in health service use or frequency of psychotic disorders”, according to a new study. The study was published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, and it was conducted by researchers at Western University, McMaster University, the University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto, McGill University, Brescia …

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Survey Finds 79% of Military Veterans Want Expanded Access to Medical Marijuana

According to a new survey, a strong majority of military veterans support expanding access to medical marijuana. According to the new Ohio State University survey, published by the Social Science Research Network, 79% of veterans want federal law to be amended so that Veterans Affairs doctors are legally authorized to prescribe medical marijuana to their …

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Top 10 Marijuana Studies of 2023

Following the trend of recent years, 2023 was huge for marijuana research. There was over 4,000 marijuana-related studies published in 2023 alone. At The Marijuana Herald, we reported on nearly 200 of them. With so many studies, it was quite a challenge to narrow it down to the top 10 most important and impactful, but …

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