Category: Studies

Study Finds Marijuana Associated With Improvements Among Those With ADHD

In a newly published study an association between cannabis-based medicinal products and improvements in anxiety, sleep quality, and general health-related quality of life was observed in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, the study was conducted by researchers at Imperial College London, Sapphire Medical Clinics and King’s College London. “This …

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CBD-Infused Tampons a “Promising Option for Managing Menstrual Pain”, Finds Study

Tampons infused with the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) is “a promising option for managing menstrual pain”, finds a new placebo-controlled study. “This study aimed to assess efficacy and usability of Cannabidiol (CBD) infused tampons for the relief of primary dysmenorrhea, a condition affecting 50–95% assigned female at birth”, states the study, published in the Journal …

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Study Finds Marijuana Legalization Correlates With “Improved Basketball Recruiting Outcomes”

Marijuana legalization “appears to improve basketball recruiting outcomes for in-state colleges”, according to a new study. Titled The Effects of Marijuana Legalization on NCAA Men’s Basketball Recruiting, the study was published in the recent issue of the Journal of Sports Economics and conducted by researchers at Georgia College & State University and Kennesaw State University. …

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Study: THC May Improve Cognitive Function in Patients With Advanced Cancer

According to a new study, cognitive function improved in a group of patients with advanced cancer who took low-doses of dronabinol, a synthetic THC. The study was published in the journal Palliative Medicine Reports, and it was epublished by the National Institute of Health. It was conducted by researchers at the North Denmark Regional Hospital …

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Study: CBD and CBG May Help Combat Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

A formulation containing both cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG) was found to be useful in combatting delayed onset muscle soreness, according to a new study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. According to the study’s researchers, cannabinoid-containing products are often “marketed to athletes as promoting recovery, in spite of a …

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Study: Cannabichromene (CBC) Has “Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects”

The cannabis compound cannabichromene (CBD) “has potential anti-inflammatory effects and may be useful for preventing or treating inflammation”, according to a new study published in the journal Plants. CBC is a widely unknown non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana. The compound has “recently been shown to possess several medicinal properties”, notes the abstract of the study. …

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Study Finds CBD May Improve Heart Regeneration Following Heart Attack

According to a new study, cannabidiol (CBD) “promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration” following heart attacks. Titled Cannabidiol represses miR-143 to promote cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration after myocardial infarction, the study is being publishing in the upcoming issue of the European Journal of Pharmacology, and it was published online ahead of print by the …

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Study Finds Marijuana Use Associated With Increased Empathy

Those who consume marijuana have higher levels of emotional comprehension and empathy compared to non-users, according to a study published by the Journal of Neuroscience Research. “It has been reported that cannabis consumption affects the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a structure with a central role in mediating the empathic response”, notes the study’s researchers. “In …

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Study: Most Cancer Patients Say Marijuana “Significantly Improves Their Ability to Cope With Their Illness”

According to a new study published in the journal BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, the majority of cancer patients suffering from refractory pain say medical marijuana helps them cope with their illness. For the study researchers from the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, both in Israel, as well as the Hospital Quirónsalud …

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Study Finds Cannabis Associated With Weight Loss and Lower BMI, May Be Useful in Obesity Treatment

According to a meta-analysis of clinical trials, those who consume cannabis or cannabis products often experience weight loss and reduced BMIs, indicating that they may be useful in treating obesity. The study was published in the recent issue of the International Journal of Obesity, with its abstract published online ahead of print by the National …

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