US Senate Resolution Calling for Release of American Jailed in Russia for Medical Marijuana Gains 22nd Sponsor

A resolution in the United States Senate calling for the immediate release of several Americans imprisoned in Russia, including one sentenced to 14 years for possessing medical marijuana, has gained its 22nd sponsor, representing nearly a fourth of the entire chamber.

Senator Alex Padilla has signed on as a cosponsor to Senate Resolution 629, days after it was introduced in the Senate by a coalition of 21 senators led by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and John Fetterman (D-PA).

The resolution formally condemns the Russian government for their arrests of several American citizens and calling for their immediate and unconditioned release. One of those currently jailed in Russia is Marc Fogel, a school teacher who has been sentenced to 14 years simple for possessing a small amount of marijuana that was recommended by his physician.
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Maryland: Nearly $100 Million in Marijuana Sold Legally in March

March marijuana sales in Maryland narrowly missed breaking the monthly record.

According to data compiled and released by the Maryland Cannabis Administration, there was $95,956,410 worth of marijuana and marijuana products sold legally in March, narrowly missing the previous monthly record of $96,473,978, set in December. Sales for March were roughly $6 million more than February and January (both months saw sales of around $88 million).

Roughly 2/3rds ($64 million) of the total marijuana sales in March were purchased by recreational consumers, with medical marijuana patients purchasing around $32 million worth.
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20 Advocacy and Law Groups Send Letter to Biden Administration Urging Them to Support Descheduling Marijuana

A coalition of 20 advocacy groups, calling themselves the Marijuana Justice Coalition, has sent a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris urging them to support fully descheduling, and not simply rescheduling, marijuana.

A collage of every group that’s part of the Marijuana Justice Coalition.

The letter is signed by a variety of reform groups, including the Center for American Progress, Doctors for Drug Policy Reform, Drug Policy Alliance, Immigrant Defense Project, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Association of Social Workers, National Immigration Project, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Southern Poverty Law Center, Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and many others.

“The Marijuana Justice Coalition (“MJC”) writes to thank you for your initial steps toward reforming federal marijuana policy, as you mentioned in your recent State of the Union address”, begins the letter. “In order to fulfill that pledge, the MJC urges you to publicly support the removal (“descheduling”) of marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Only the descheduling of marijuana will truly decriminalize it at the federal level.”
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US Senate Finance Chair Says “Marijuana Descheduling Ought to Be a Republican Dream”

The Chair of the United States Senate Finance Committee says that Democrats are “trying to recruit Republicans” to support descheduling marijuana, while saying that the move “ought to be a Republican Dream”.

At an event held today by the Last Prisoner Project, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) said Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats are “trying to recruit Republicans” to support their forthcoming Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), which would deschedule marijuana. The CAOA is being officially introduced on 4/20.

“I want you to hear what my message is”, says Senator Wyden.” I’m gonna say one word – Deschedule. Descheduling ought to be a Republican dream.”
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US Senate Leader Says “Cannabis Legalization Has Proven Successful at the State Level”

In remarks made today, United States Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that marijuana legalization has been proven successful at the state level, while reiterating his desire to see a change in federal marijuana laws.

Senator Chuck Schumer (photo credit: J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press).

At a speech today at the National Cannabis Policy Summit, Schumer said “My commitment to ending federal prohibition on cannabis remains as strong as ever. As many of you know, cannabis reform is an issue I’ve cared about and I’ve been working hard on, for years. And as many of you know, momentum is now in our favor.”

Schumer says “Here in Congress, we’re making some good progress”, while making note of the fact that a marijuana banking bill was approved by the Senate Finance Committee in September with bipartisan support.
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President Biden vs Former President Trump: Comparing Their Marijuana Policy Positions and Accomplishments

Here’s a look at the marijuana-related differences, similarities and accomplishments of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, both vying for the position of POTUS this November.

The debate over marijuana legalization in the United States has evolved significantly over the past decade, with an increasing number of states opting to legalize the substance for medical and recreational use. This shift in public sentiment has placed the issue at the forefront of national policy discussions, where contrasting approaches by President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump highlight the political divide.

With that in mind, here’s a breakdown of the policy positions and accomplishments of the two contenders:
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A Breakdown of all 24 Legal Marijuana States

Despite there being exactly zero states with legal recreational marijuana at the start of 2012, that number has jumped rapidly to 24.

With at least four states still having a legitimate shot to legalize marijuana this year, it may not be long before the majority of the entire United States has legalized recreational marijuana. Just a decade ago, only two states had legalized marijuana; Washington and Colorado.

Among the 24 states that have legalized recreational marijuana, there is a notable variety in regulations and practices, despite many shared characteristics.
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Initiative to Legalize Recreational Marijuana Filed in North Dakota, Proponents Aim for November Ballot

Earlier today, a group of 27 North Dakotans filed a 2024 ballot initiative to legalize adult-use cannabis.

The initiative was filed by New Economic Frontier, a nonprofit political committee. Their proposal would allow adults 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, four grams of marijuana concentrates and 1500 milligrams of adult-use cannabinoid products (300 milligrams of this can be in the form of edible products). The initiative would also allow the personal cultivation of up to three marijuana plants, and it would allow marijuana and marijuana products to be purchased through licensed marijuana stores.

To qualify for the November ballot, 15,582 signatures must be gathered from eligible North Dakota voters by July 8th, 2024.
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Montana: Over $26 Million in March Marijuana Sales

In March there was $26.9 million in marijuana sold through legal means in Montana, the highest amount since September.

March marks the 13th straight month with marijuana sales over $25 million in Montana, according to the state’s Cannabis Control Division. In total there was $26,926,233 sold in March, a nearly $2 million increase from the sales totals for February and January.  That said, March’s sales totals fell narrowly short of sales for March, 2023 ($27,098,679).

A large majority of the marijuana sales for March were purchased by recreational consumers; $22,593,299. Medical marijuana patients purchased $4,332,934 worth of marijuana and marijuana products during the same period.
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US House Committee Approves Veterans Medical Marijuana and Psychedelics Bills

A committee in the United States House of Representatives has given approval to two bills that would address access to medical marijuana and psychedelics for veterans.

The House Veterans’ Affairs Health Subcommittee has given approval to legislation that would facilitate research regarding the potential benefits of medical marijuana for veterans, while also addressing veterans access to psychedelics.

Specifically, the committee approved the Veterans Cannabis Analysis, Research, and Effectiveness (CARE) Act, filed by Congressmember Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA). The measure would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to “conduct and support research relating to the efficacy and safety of forms of cannabis”.
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