Utah Governor Signs Measure Establishing Center for Medical Cannabis Research

Legislation to create a Center for Medical Cannabis Research within the University of Utah has been signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox.

Center for Medical Cannabis Research

Filed by State Representatives Jennifer Dailey-Provost and Evan Vickers House Bill 230 appropriates $650,000 in funding for the creation of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research,.

This board “shall facilitate and support funding for research related to the efficacy and potential health effects of various cannabis delivery methods, including vaporizing, ingesting, topical application, and combustion; shall support researchers in applying for and securing federal and private research grant funding for expanding medical cannabis research; shall review current and future cannabis research literature, clinical studies, and clinical trials; [and] shall educate medical providers, lawmakers, and the public about medical cannabis research advances.”
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Kentucky House Committee Votes to Legalize Medical Marijuana Sending it to Full House

A legislative proposal to make Kentucky the 39th state to legalize medical marijuana was just passed by the House Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations Committee.

The committee approved Senate Bill 47 today 18 to 2, sending it to a vote of the full House of Representatives on the last day of the legislative session. Given it’s already been passed by the Senate 26 to 11, it will be sent to Governor Andy Beshea if it’s passed today by the full House. Governor Beshea supports legalizing medical marijuana and is expected to sign the measure into law if given the chance. If the House fails to act on the measure today, it will need to be pushed off until next year.

Under Senate Bill 47 those with a physician recommendation would be authorized to purchase, possess and consume marijuana products such as tinctures, pills and ointments. Smoking marijuana would not be allowed, but dried marijuana flower could be purchased for use in vaping. The law requires the state to license at least 25 medical marijuana dispensaries, 15 cultivators, five processors and three producers.
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Report: Global Legal Marijuana Market Valued At $13 Billion, Expected to Grow to $66 Billion by 2030

The market for legal cannabis has a global value of over $13 billion, and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, according to a new report.

The Global Cannabis Market Report, conducted by the research firm Contrive Datum Insights, found that as of the end of 2022 the global legal cannabis market is worth $13.43 billion. Given the rapid pace at which marijuana laws are being reformed throughout the United States and globally, the value is expected to almost quintuple to $66.35 billion by the end of 2030.

If the market did see this kind of growth, it would represent a shockingly high compound annual growth rate of 22.1% during the forecasted period (2023 to 2030).
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Arkansas Legislation Would Codify Gun Rights for Medical Marijuana Users

Legislation filed today by Arkansas State Representative Aaron Pilkington would protect medical marijuana patients from being denied access to firearms or concealed carry licenses.

The proposal would amend the state’s concealed carry license law to clarify that the Director of the Division of Arkansas State Police “shall not consider a person’s status as a qualifying patient or designated caregiver under the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016, Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 98, § 2, in determining whether an applicant is eligible to be issued a license to carry a concealed handgun under this subchapter.”

The measure also states that “a person’s status as a qualifying patient or designated caregiver is confidential”, and that “The Department of Health shall not disclose the identity of a person who has been issued a registry identification card to the Division of the Arkansas State Police for the purpose of facilitating a criminal history record check or any other background check related to the issuance of a license to carry a concealed handgun”
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Bill Allowing Telehealth for Medical Marijuana Renewals Approved by Florida Senate Committee

A Senate bill that would allow physicians to renew patients medical marijuana cards via telehealth options has been passed unanimously by a Senate committee. A companion bill has already been passed by two House committees.

The Senate Health Policy Committee voted unanimously today, 12 to 0, to pass Senate Bill 344, the companion bill to House Bill 387 which has already passed the House Health and Human Services Committee and the House Healthcare Regulations Subcommittee. The bill would allow patients to seek renewals for their medical marijuana authorization (required annually) via telehealth, which is currently prohibited.

The companion bills would still require that a licensed physician meet a patient in-person to authorize their medical marijuana use for the first time, but all subsequent annual renewals could be conducted through telehealth options such as Zoom.
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Washington Legislature Approves Bill to Protect Marijuana Users When Seeking Employment

Washington State’s House of Representatives approved legislation tonight that would place a ban on businesses refusing to hire a potential employee for testing positive for marijuana.

Although Washington was one of the first two states to legalize marijuana in 2012, employers up until this point have been able to refuse employment based on off-the-job recreational marijuana use. Senate Bill 5123 would change that, and today it was passed by the House of Representatives by a vote of 57 to 41 – it’s already passed the Senate 28 to 21. It will need to receive a vote of concurrence by the House before it can be sent to Governor Jay Inslee for consideration.

“The legislature finds that the legalization of recreational cannabis in Washington state in 2012 created a disconnect between prospective employees’ legal activities and employers’ hiring practices”, states the preamble to the bill, introduced by Senator Karen Keiser along with nine cosponsors. “Many tests for cannabis show only the presence of nonpsychoactive cannabis metabolites from past cannabis use, including up to 30 days in the past, that have no correlation to an applicant’s future job performance.”
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Kentucky Senate-Approved Medical Marijuana Bill to Receive House Vote on Final Day of Session

Legislation that would legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky has been assigned a hearing tomorrow, March 30 (1pm), the last day of the legislative session.

Senate Bill 47 would be able to receive a vote by the full House of Representatives if it’s approved tomorrow in the House Licensing and Occupations Committee, something proponents of the measure say they are optimistic will happen. Given it’s already passed the Senate in a 26 to 11 vote, if it is able to pass the House tomorrow it will be sent to a supportive governor who is expected to sign it into law quickly if given the opportunity.

Senate Bill 47 would allow those who receive a recommendation from a licensed practitioner to possess and use marijuana and marijuana products. Although smoking marijuana would be prohibited, patients would still be allowed to access and possess dried marijuana flower for use in vaporizers.
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Bill to Clarify Marijuana Use by Parents is Not Child Neglect Passed by Maryland Senate

A bill that would clarify under law that the use of marijuana by a parent or legal guardian does not constitute child neglect has been passed by Maryland’s full Senate.

Senate Bill 653 was passed by the Maryland Senate by a vote of 34 to 11, moving it to the House Judiciary Committee. The proposed law, filed by Senator Jill P. Carter, would alter state law to clarify that the legal definition of child neglect:

“Does not include the use of cannabis by any parent or individual who has permanent or temporary care or custody or responsibility for supervision of the child unless, as a result of the use of cannabis:
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Maryland House Passes Bill Banning Police from Using Smell of Marijuana to Detain or Conduct Searches

Maryland’s full House of Delegates has passed legislation that would prohibit police from using the smell of marijuana as reasonable suspicion or probable cause in order to detain an individual, while also reducing the fines associated with smoking marijuana in public.

House Bill 1071 was filed by Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield along with a massive list of 43 cosponsors, all Democrat. After passing the House by a vote of 98 to 34, it was assigned to the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, with a hearing scheduled for tomorrow, March 30 at 1pm.

House Bill 1071 would prohibit “a law enforcement officer from initiating a stop or a search of a person, a motor vehicle, or a vessel based solely” on the smell of marijuana.
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Alberta Commission Alters Rules Regarding Producers Giving Marijuana Samples

The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission (AGLC) has released a bulletin announcing a change in rules that allows licensed marijuana producers to give samples to stores and their representatives.

“This bulletin is to advise all registered cannabis representatives and retail cannabis store licensees of important amendments to the Cannabis Representative Handbook (CRH) and the Retail Cannabis Store Handbook (RCSH)”, said the AGLC on their website.

“Effective immediately, Section 4.3 of the CRH and 4.2 and 6.3 of the RCSH have been amended to permit cannabis representatives the ability to provide up to 3.5 grams of dried cannabis (or equivalency) as sample product. Samples provided must be for marketing purposes and are for licensee use only.”
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