Nearly seven years after California voters legalized marijuana with 57% voting in favor, a record-high 64% are now in support of the law.
According to a new Public Policy Institute of California survey, a record-high 64% of Californians said that the use of marijuana should be legal. In September 2010 Californians were split (47% legal, 49% not legal). Since then, the share supporting legalization has risen by double digits across most regions and demographic groups.
While half or more across regional and demographic groups think the use of marijuana should be legal, there is still a considerable partisan divide: three in four Democrats and independents say marijuana use should be legal, compared to four in ten Republicans. Support for legalization increases with educational attainment (51% high school only, 67% some college, 74% college graduates) and is higher among those 18 to 34 (72%) than among those 35 and older (61%).
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